
“Directed Assembly of Optoplasmonic Hybrid Materials with Tunable Photonic-Plasmonic Properties”, Y. Hong, W. Ahn, S. Boriskina, X. Zhao, B. M. Reinhard, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 2506(2015). [Link]

“Collective Photonic-Plasmonic Resonances in Noble Metal – Dielectric Nanoparticle Hybrid Arrays”, Y. Hong, B.M. Reinhard, Opt. Mater. Express. 4,2409(2014). [Link]

“Rational Assembly of Optoplasmonic Hetero-nanoparticle Arrays with Tunable Photonic–Plasmonic Resonances”, Y. Hong, Y. Qiu, T. Chen, B. M. Reinhard, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24,739 (2014). [Link]

“Demonstration of Efficient On-Chip Photon Transfer in Self-Assembled Optoplasmonic Networks”, W.Ahn, Y. Hong, S. V. Boriskina, B.M. Reinhard, ACS Nano 7, 4470 (2013).[Link]

“Enhanced Light Focusing in Self-Assembled Optoplasmonic Clusters with Subwavelength Dimensions”, Y. Hong, M. Pourmand, S. V. Boriskina, B.M. Reinhard, Adv. Mater., 25, 115 (2013). [Link]

“Monitoring Enzymatic Degradation of Pericellular Matrices through SERS Stamping”, B. Yan, Y. Hong, T. Chen, B.M. Reinhard, Nanoscale, 4 , 3917 (2012).[Link]

“Photonic-Plasmonic Mode Coupling in On-Chip Integrated Optoplasmonic molecules”, W. Ahn, S. V. Boriskina, Y. Hong, B.M. Reinhard, ACS Nano., 6 , 951(2012).[Link]

“Electromagnetic Field Enhancement and Spectrum Shaping through Plasmonically Integrated Optical Vortices”, W. Ahn, S. V. Boriskina, Y. Hong, B.M. Reinhard, Nano Lett., 12 , 219 (2012).[Link]