Category: Uncategorized

“Z” Review

One of the crucial lessons of 20th century politics is that authoritarianism is unsustainable in the long run, because people are naturally inclined to be free and the information that will allow them to be free will eventually, inevitably leak out.  One or two people might be able to keep a secret, but an entire […]

Review: “Post Grad”

The unemployment rate is expected to hit 10% this year. Companies and consumers are buckling down to spend less—meaning less job opportunities, fewer benefits, and lower salaries. Not a great time for young college graduates. The immediate future is a bleak and scary place, filled with endless interviews, student loan payments, and no silver lining […]

Review “9”

9 transports viewers into a meticulously created apocalyptic fantasy world. The premise is a popular fear in science fiction: Man finally creates a machine with the power to invent other machines- which inevitably means a mechanical apocalypse. Viewers enter the story as if opening a children’s illustrated fantasy book.  An old man carefully sews a […]