Category: Uncategorized

Two States One Homeland

I just returned from London, where I participated in a seminar convened by Lord Stone of Blackheath on a two-year old grassroots peace initiative for Israel and Palestine called Two States, One Homeland (TSOH). You can find a longer report on this meeting HERE. In addition to the two founders of this initiative, Tel Aviv-based […]

Last year, at Providence College

A lecture on Belief and Unbelief

US Supreme Court weighs in on Jerusalem issue

For my latest blog post on Jerusalem, a comment on the recent decision of the US Supreme Court on whether the child of a US person born in Jerusalem should have the right to have his passport say that he was born in Israel, see HERE. On a related subject, see the lecture I gave […]

Speaking on Jerusalem, next week at Brandeis

I am looking forward to my talk on Jerusalem for the Brandeis University Schusterman Center for Israel Studies next Friday, October 24, at 12pm. The topic of my presentation is “Jerusalem in the Religious Studies Classroom: Theoretical Considerations and Topical Issues” and it will be based on an essay recently published in a Syracuse University […]

Upcoming talks

I’ve been invited back by the fabulous folk at the CAS Core Curriculum to lecture on the Bible in general and the primordial history of Genesis in particular. (Tuesday, Sept 9, 2014, 9:30 am, at the Tsai Performance Center) I’ve been getting more comfortable with these lectures the more my own children have approached (and […]

A nice little feature on my Jerusalem class, the summer version

Sue Seligson, reporting for a BUToday’s series, wrote a nice little feature on my Jerusalem class, which I recently taught as a summer term class. You can find her article here.

Elfriede Jelinek, taboo violation, and Zank

Just published in an Austrian internet portal dedicated to the work of Elfriede Jelinek, a comment responding to a video-text by the author Adolf Holl on the seven deadly sins. Thesis: without transgression no redemption; without taboo violation no living language. See HERE.

February 2014

Two classes up and running, one on Maimonides (RN420) and one on Jerusalem (RN220). Also: help me welcome Prof. Thomas Meyer, our special guest and visiting professor in Jewish studies and political philosophy this semester! You can find him almost every day at our new offices on the ground floor of the Elie Wiesel Center […]

Next week: Genesis

The very lovely people from the BU Core Curriculum kindly invited me back to give an introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Whether it’s age or the fact that I’ve been doing this kind of thing (i.e., teaching “Bible”) for such a long time, it strikes me as an extremely humbling and puzzling charge. After all, […]