Category: Uncategorized

Review of Velkley on Strauss and Heidegger

This just in, a review of a really very thoughtful and readable book on Strauss, Heidegger and “original forgetting” by Richard Velkley. See HERE.

Jerusalem, Summer II 2013

There are still a few open seats in CASRN220 Holy City this summer, so please sign up and bring your friends. This will be an opportunity to explore what we mean when we (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) call this city “holy,” why and how people are attached to it, and why it is such a […]

Krzystof Michalski (1948-2013)

Boston University has (or in this case: had) quite a few hidden gems. This one was hidden in plain sight. Krzystof Michalski taught every other semester for the CAS Philosophy department, courses on Nietzsche (the subject of his last book), political philosophy, and other subjects. He was the kind of gem John Silber tended to […]

January 2013

A new semester begins today. I am offering two courses: CASRN339 The Modern Jew, a course in the Other Within series; and CASRN797 Philosophical and Theological Approaches to Religion, a required core course for the Division of Religious and Theological Studies. In other news, I am looking forward to taking on the directorship of the […]

Much to report, and no time to report it

The navigation panel of this blog has reduplicated itself and I don’t know how to fix it. Can anyone help? In the meantime, classes (CASRN101 The Bible; KHCRN101 Moses) are off to a very good start. Students are great! Graduate student news: Theresa Cooney (DRTS, Cand PhD) is working on a dissertation on the Weimar […]

Don’t miss the Christmas Extravaganza at the Acton Jazz Cafe, Dec 10!

Molly’s Holiday Extravaganza. A benefit concert for Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. Saturday December 10, 7 – 8:30 p.m at the Acton Jazz Cafe. Featuring Linda Roberts, voice; Molly Flannery, piano; Jon Simmons, trombone; Steve Elliott, sax, voice; Susan Thompson, voice; Bill McCormack, bass; Michael Zank, drums, voice; Will Schultz, voice. This is a festive […]

Acting Director, EWCJS (2011-12)

Update November 2011: I’ve had the pleasure of serving as the Acting Director of the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies since July. There’s a lot to report, but there’s even more to do, so I am referring you to the EWCJS website for news ( Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have […]