Category: Uncategorized

Message from the Managing Director: Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’Roll 2012

Dear Reader, As we enter the Presidential election period, perhaps the most important election in a generation, at stake is contrasting visions of the role of government. After WWII, Vanevar Bush and others pushed for an activist role for the federal government in fostering basic research in the US. NSF and other government labs were formed […]

ITEC’s Start-Up Summer Camp

Developing your start-up idea can be a difficult task, especially for undergraduate and graduate students who are inexperienced in addressing the challenges of starting a new venture.  To assist these students in developing, testing and validating their business ideas the Institute for Technology Entrepreneurship & Commercialization (ITEC) offers a summer start-up program. The program lasts […]

BU New Venture, EnBiotix to engineer next generation antibiotics

EnBiotix, Inc.  a next-generation, engineered antibiotics company has been co-founded by Boston University and Apeiron Partners LLC. The technology is based on the work done by Prof. James J. Collins, a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Collins is a Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the […]

New Biomarker Signature for COPD

Former BU innovator of the year– Professor and Chief of Computational Biomedicine in the Department of Medicine, Dr. Avi Spira, M.D, Ph.D., has come up with a new biomarker signature to improve the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which affects 14.8 million individuals in the United States, and is predicted to become the […]

Treating IgE-Mediated Diseases with Modified Soluble CD23

Through her work with human schistosomiasis, Dr. Lisa Ganley-Leal has identified a compound that may have the ability to treat severe allergic diseases, such as a moderate to severe asthma. The new therapeutic holds the promise of improved efficacy for multiple allergic diseases combined with a lower risk of side effects. The current treatment for […]

Message from the Director – The Year in Review

Dear Reader, We had an exciting 2011 at OTD with key accomplishments summarized below. The group is now complete and we are projecting 2012 to be very active, with several new ventures in the pipeline and many industry license discussions on-going. We have significant commercialization activity emerging from (1) Coulter Translational Partnership in the Biomedical […]

Spotlight on: INTICA Biomedical

Getting a New Venture off the ground can prove a daunting task even for the most experienced entrepreneurs. To help these fledgling companies get up on their feet, the Office of Technology Development awards an outstanding company based on research from an entrepreneurial faculty member of Boston University with the Launch award. The award consists […]

OTD Ignition Award Recipients for 2011

The Office of Technology Development’s Ignition Award is designed to help new technologies bridge the (funding?) gap between discovery-oriented research and subsequent development.  By providing funding that helps these fledgling technologies reach specific goals or milestones (to show proof of applicability), the Ignition Award helps further them on the path toward commercialization.  Each year, applicants […]

New Ventures – Renuka Babu

As Boston University’s Director of New Ventures at the Office of Technology Development, my focus is to help build new companies based on technologies being created at the University. I was excited by the tremendous interest of faculty in participating in the creation of new ventures.  I’ve found our experienced researchers are keen on finding […]

AngelHack Hackathon 2012

With up to $55,000 in prizes to give away, the angelHack Hackathon is a great opportunity for any Boston-area entrepreneurs looking to build a start-up.  Contestants come from all over the east coast to participate in the Hackathon, which kicks off on March 3rd with a networking event.  There, attendees can talk with other likeminded […]