
Yesterday, the Faculty Development and Diversity Committee along with the Office for Multicultural Affairs sponsored a talk on immigration law. The two lawyers, Roy Watson and Greg Suskind, specialize in working with academics and physicians.

I understood vaguely about the difficulties noncitizens face in finding work in the United States, but I was overwhelmed by the complexity. According to their slides, trainees can work in the United States under an alphabet soup of visas: J-1, J-2, O-1, or H-1B. Some of those have time limits or require the worker to return home for two years before reentering the U.S.

It seems that the entire system has been set up to make it difficult for foreign nationals to secure permanent employment in the U.S. This policy makes sense in theory, and many of the sending countries probably enforce similar laws to protect their citizens. Still, in the medical and scientific field, the presence of researchers from abroad enhances collaboration and enriches our country.

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One Response to “Immigration”

  1. The key of economic is always to have some understanding that nobody else knows.
    One’s mind includes a means of making itself up in the shadows, and yes it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.