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PhD Thesis

Viscoelastic characterization and modeling of PDMS micropillars for cellular force measurement applications [Link]

Journal papers

  1. Yiling Qiu, Ahmad F Bayomy, Marcus V Gomez, Michael Bauer, Ping Du, Yanfei Yang, Xin Zhang, Ronglih Liao. “A role for matrix stiffness in the regulation of cardiac side population cell function”. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2015. [Link]
  2. Jian Dong, Ping Du, Xin Zhang. ”Measurements of the Young’s modulus and residual stresses of sputtered silicon oxynitride film using micro-structures”. Thin Solid Films, 545, 414–418, 2013. [Link]
  3. Ping Du, Xi Lin, Xin Zhang. ”Tunable electrical and mechanical responses of PDMS and conducting polymer nanowire composites”. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 , 195303, 2013. [Link]
  4. Ping Du, Chen Cheng, Hongbing Lu, Xin Zhang. ”Investigation of cellular contraction forces in the frequency domain using a PDMS micropillar based force transducer”. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22, 44-53, 2013. [Link]
  5. Ping Du, Xiaoning Wang, I-Kuan Lin, Xin Zhang. ”Effects of composition and thermal annealing on the mechanical properties of silicon oxycarbide films”. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 176, 90-98, 2012. [Link]
  6. Ping Du, Xiaoyu Zheng, I-Kuan Lin, Xin Zhang. ”Effect of loading rates on cellular force measurements by polymer micropillar based transducers”. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 083701, 2011. [Link]
  7. Ping Du, I-Kuan Lin, Hongbing Lu, Xin Zhang. “Extension of beam theory for polymer bio-transducers with low aspect ratios and viscoelastic characteristics”. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 095016, 2010. [Link]
  8. Ping Du, Xi Lin, Xin Zhang. “A multilayer bending model for conducting polymer actuators”. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 163, 240-246, 2010. [Link]
  9. Ping Du, S. Li, J. Tang, D. Zeng. “Discussion of key questions on thixotropic die casting of semi-solid aluminum alloys”. Foundry Technology, 27, 545, 2006. [Link]
  10. S. Li, Ping Du, J. Tang, D. Zeng. “Reheating Process for the Semi-solid A356 Alloy”. Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, 26, 781, 2006. [Link]
  11. Y. Xue, G. Li, J. Liu, X. Dai, Y. Yuan, S. Li, Ping Du. “Comparison of Filling Process of A356 Alloy in Semi-solid Thixo-forming Die Casting with in Conventional Die Casting Based on Numerical Simulation with Flow-3D”. Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, 26, 710, 2006. [Link]

Conference Proceedings (Full Papers)

  1. P. Du, C. Cheng, H. Lu, X. Zhang. “Extracting viscoelastic properties of soft polymers from dynamic nanoindentation using an improved model”. Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’13), Bacelona, Spain, 2013.
  2. P. Du, X. Lin, X. Zhang. “Tunable dielectric constants and mechanical properties of PDMS and conducting polymer nanowire composites”. Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’13), Bacelona, Spain, 2013.
  3. P. Du, C. Cheng, H. Lu and X. Zhang. ”Complex modulus of PDMS and its application in cellular force measurement”. Proceeding of MicroTAS 2012, Okinawa, Japan.
  4. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. “Dielectric constants of PDMS nanocomposites by conducting polymer nanowires”. Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’11), Beijing, China, 2011, 645-648.
  5. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. “Electromechanical coupling of polypyrrole trilayer actuators”. Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’11), Beijing, China, 2011, 478-481.
  6. P. Du, X. Zheng, I-K Lin and X. Zhang. “Effect of loading rates on polymer micropillar-based force transducers”. Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’11), Beijing, China, 2011, 1432-1435.
  7. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. ”Characterization on the electrical properties of PDMS nanocomposites by conducting polymer nanowires”. Proceeding of 2010 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 1312, 1-6.
  8. P. Du, I-K Lin, H. Lu, X. Lin and X. Zhang. ”Characterization on the viscoelastic property of PDMS in the frequency domain”. Proceeding of 2010 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 1301, 1-6.
  9. P. Du, I-K Lin, Y. Yan and X. Zhang. ”Residual stress in sputtered silicon oxycarbide thin films”. Proceeding of 2010 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 1299, 1-6.
  10. I-K Lin, P. Du, Y. Zhang and X. Zhang. “Mechanical and Material Characterization of Bilayer Microcantilever-based IR detectors.” Proceeding of 2010 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, 1299: 1-6.
  11. P. Du, X. Zheng, I-K Lin, H. Lu and X. Zhang. “Extended Timoshenko beam formula for cellular con-traction force calculation”. Proceeding of MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, Netherlands.
  12. P. Du, H. Lu and X. Zhang. “Measuring the Young’s relaxation modulus of PDMS using stress relaxation nanoindentation”. Proceeding of 2009 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 1222-DD02-03.
  13. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. “Characterization of the correlation between current input and curvature output of polypyrrole trilayer actuators”. Proceeding of PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC, 578-581.
  14. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. “Development of conductive polymer micro cantilever for conductivity measurement”. Proceeding of ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Boston, MA, 67986.

Conference (Abstract Referred)

  1. P. Du, C. Cheng, X. Zhao, H. Lu, X. Zhang. “Cellular Contraction Force Measurement in the Frequency Domain”. 2012 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  2. P. Du, X. Wang, I-K Lin, and X. Zhang. “Residual Stress, Modulus and Hardness of Silicon Oxycarbide Films”. 2012 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  3. P. Du, C. Chen, X. Lin, and X. Zhang. “High Dielectric Constants in Compliant PDMS and Conducting Polymer Nanowire Composites”. 2012 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  4. P. Du, C. Cheng, H. Lu and X. Zhang.”Viscoelastic characterization of PDMS in the frequency domain and its application in cellular force measurement”. NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference 2012 (Student Conference Fellowships), Boston, MA.
  5. P. Du, C. Cheng, H. Lu and X. Zhang. “Frequency domain viscoelastic property of soft polymers as cellular force transducers”. 2011 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  6. P. Du, I-K Lin, H. Lu and X. Zhang. ”Extension of beam theory for polymer bio-transducers”. 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2010, State College, PA.
  7. P. Du, I-K Lin, H. Lu and X. Zhang. ”Extension of beam theory for polymer bio-transducers” (Invited talk). Society of Rheology 82nd Annual Meeting, 2010, Santa Fe, NM.
  8. P. Du, I-K Lin, H. Lu and X. Zhang. ”Extension of beam theory for PDMS based bio-transducers with low aspect ratios and viscoelastic characteristics”. Gordon Conference: Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior, 2010, Waterville, ME.
  9. P. Du, X. Lin and X. Zhang. “Characterization of the relationship between current input and curvature output of polypyrrole bilayer actuators”. 5th International Workshop on Advanced Smart materials and Smart Structures Technology, 2009, Boston, MA.
  10. P. Du, X. Zhang and X. Lin. “Development of conductive polymer single layer cantilever for conductivity measurement”. Hilton Head Workshop 2008, Hilton Head Island, SC.