Posts by: reedu


The New York Times Graphics has a process blog. And they use R and maptools. Good stuff.

Peter Frase @ The New Inquiry: “Phantom Tollbooths”

Peter Frase in The New Inquiry: There are those who want to defend an order based on intellectual property out of a desire to protect the livelihoods of working writers, artists, and other immaterial laborers. In a world where the likes of Google and Facebook are increasingly adept at extracting creative work for free, this […]

Smell Something, Say Something

Meet, a website for community-driven tracking of natural gas leaks.

NYPL Map Warper

It lives here.

Ambient Sounds + Map = This

Dustin Baxter directed us to in class today. He recorded a busted speaker buzzing on a Green Line train, but there are also Estonian fountains, back yards, and casual conversations in French. Mesmerizing.

Vegas Sprawl (LandSat)

Long Nightmare at STRATFOR Continues

The atmosphere at private intelligence firm STRATFOR, based in Austin, Texas and for whom I very briefly (and indirectly) worked years ago, must be tense since WikiLeaks began its release of thousands upon thousands of the company’s internal email communications. For what it’s worth, in response, they’re temporarily offering all of their web content gratis. […]

Christian Parenti Thinks Climate Change Will Make Us Love Big Government

From TomDispatch: After all, there is only one institution that actually has the capacity to deal with multibillion-dollar natural disasters on an increasingly routine basis. Private security firms won’t help your flooded or tornado-struck town. Private insurance companies are systematically withdrawing coverage from vulnerable coastal areas. Voluntary community groups, churches, anarchist affinity groups — each […]

Made By One Guy In Oregon

From Slate: “American mapmaking’s most prestigious honor is the “Best of Show” award at the annual competition of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. The five most recent winners were all maps designed by large, well-known institutions: National Geographic (three times), the Central Intelligence Agency Cartography Center, and the U.S. Census Bureau. But earlier this […]

Shake It, Baby, Shake It: West Texas Earthquakes

I just read that West Texas experienced its third earthquake in less than a month. Intrigued, I grabbed USGS earthquake data for the continental U.S. and filtered out everything outside a bounding box around Snyder, Texas, where this most recent quake occurred. Now, I’m not sure if USGS changed the way it monitors quakes in […]