Category: Uncategorized

Lovely Map of Occupy Wall Street

Texas is Burning (Again)

The Texas Forest Service has responded to 172 fires over 135,051 acres in the last seven days. Of the 254 counties in Texas, 251 are reporting burn bans. Parts of the state have seen less than two inches in the last eleven months, and we’re heading into what’s normally a dry part of the year. […]

Lunar Recon. Orbiter Captures Images of Apollo Landing Sites


Modeled wind velocities in SE Mass.

Maps for Cool Kidz

Vicky J. writes weekly about maps for The Awl in a series called “Fun With Maps”. Read it.

Time-Lapse Weather Imagery: 2010

Ken Hardy’s time-lapse video of satellite weather images for the lower 48 during 2010: 2010 US weather radar and satellite animation from on Vimeo.

Drawing Water

Artist David Wicks’ “Drawing Water”: “Drawing Water is a constructed landscape shaped by the relationship between where water falls and where it’s consumed within the United States. It builds images to expose the reality that water is channeled, pumped, and siphoned to locations far from where it falls. Although the paths are imagined, Drawing Water […]

Baseball, Radio, and Pretty Maps

A couple of weeks ago, Tim Wallace at Bostonography posted a discussion of the very nice maps he’s made of the listening areas of Yankees and Red Sox radio stations.

Post Office Closings in Texas

The U.S. Postal Service has slated over 200 post offices for closure in Texas, part of a system-wide move that could shutter 3,700 offices across the country. The facility in my tiny hometown is one of them. The red bits in the first map represent zip codes in Texas with post offices at risk. Named […]