Category: Uncategorized


Charlie Sheen made “winning” infamous. But he was really just a reflection of our society’s obsession with winning. I spend a lot of time reading about why people lie, cheat and steal. My work this summer on a new Ethics course led me to the realization this obsession was borne in my childhood, where I […]

Welcome (back)

I took a little vacation from blogging this summer. I was working hard preparing a new ethics course for the MBA students, and needed to focus. The good news is that the class was fantastic and inspiring, so despite being tired I am ready to go. I entitled this post Welcome (back) because I hope […]

Busy Week for the Supremes.

Usually I think that the Supreme Court Justices, or the “Supremes” as I call them, have a really good gig. They get to pick what they work on, have life time tenure, and have a pretty nice building to work in every day. This week I don’t envy them, because I get the feeling that […]

The Love Defense.

I would like to thank Catherine Greig’s attorney for setting women back about three decades today. Greig is Whitey Bulger’s long time girlfriend, the one that fled with Whitey and hid with him for sixteen years while the federal authorities supposedly looked for him. (I find this whole claim a bit dubious because of Whitey’s […]


Last year my family took a vacation to Disney World. I am pro-Disney, love every cheesy over the top thing about the place, and would go back annually if my husband would allow it (he won’t). But one week in Disney World is full of visual evidence of America’s obesity problem. Here in the Northeast […]

Update on Garrett Bauer

Those of you that had me in the Spring 2012 semester are familiar with the case of Garrett Bauer, who pled guilty to insider trading. He was sentenced yesterday to nine years in a federal prison. Here is an interesting article talking about the case. What is your reaction to his sentence?

Have you got the Fever?

This weekend we had a historical moment. A moment we will all remember. One that will impact our future. Justin Bieber got into his first fistfight. I wish I was kidding. Don’t pretend you didn’t already hear about this event. In case you are living under a rock (or have more intellectual pursuits), here is […]

How to catch a criminal.

One of the most common questions I hear about insider trading is, “how do they get caught?” The New York Times answered that question for us today, in this article about the new enforcement efforts at the SEC. The article focuses on our favorite insider trader, Garrett Bauer. For those readers that are new students, […]

Does the punishment fit the crime?

The Rutgers student convicted of several privacy crimes as a result of video recording his gay roommate having sex with another man,  posting the video online, and tweeting about it, has been sentenced. From my perspective, he received an extremely light sentence of only 30 days in prison, plus probation, community service, and other programming.  […]


I recently had a student lie to me. I am quite confident that students lie to me all the time, but I caught this lie. I took it very seriously, although the underlying reason for the lie was not something all that important. Here is why: despite the daily barrage of stories of executives cheating, […]