Category: Uncategorized


One of the greatest challenges a professor faces today is how to handle technology. Today’s Wall Street Journal had a great little article by a professor about “E-Etiquette.” I agree with most of his recommendations, so I think it is worth a read. I have a love – hate relationship with technology. I find computers, […]


Darwin would have us all believe that we live by “survival of the fittest,” and put our resources into looking out for #1. But new research shows that humans receive pleasure from being generous, which then incentives us to continue giving. As this article in the Wall Street Journal explains, scientists used fMRI to measure […]

On Trend.

I have been telling my students for about a year now that one of the most important legal issues businesses will face is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This statute has been around a long time, and I have always mentioned it in class, but in the last year or so I have been spending […]


Yesterday the Supreme Court (finally) decided Fisher v. University of Texas, the case involving a challenge to that school’s affirmative action program. Essentially, the Court punted, kicking the case back to the lower appellate court for reconsideration. Although at first glance the case seems like a meatless decision, the Court’s language will make it much […]

You Can’t Patent Nature

Those of you that had me for LA245 may recall our discussion of the Myriad Genetics case. Myriad is a case about a company that isolated the genes that are markers for breast and ovarian cancer, and obtained patents for those genes. Groups of doctors and patients, with the help of the ACLU, sued the […]

Strange Bedfellows.

Yesterday the Supreme Court issued a decision in Maryland v. King, a case many of my LA245 students wrote about last semester. The decision is unique, not only because of the important Fourth Amendment issue it presented, but also because the decision created a strange divide among Justices resulting in the liberal Justices joining the […]

Conflict of Interest

One of the strangest experiences I ever had as a lawyer was representing a defendant in an asbestos case. I didn’t do any product liability or mass tort work as an attorney, so when I was randomly assigned to represent a client whose predecessor company owned a railroad, I was in uncharted territory. The lawyers […]

The Business of Constitutional Law

Sometimes business students wonder why we are learning about constitutional law, which seems like it is all about individual rights. Although we do focus on individual rights, the constitution is important for businesses too. This Supreme Court has been particularly interested in business issues, and by all accounts has ruled in business’s favor in most […]

Legal Issues for the Marathon Bomber

This article nicely summarizes the many legal issues presented by the investigation and prosecution of the Marathon bomber. We covered most of these issues in class, but in case you want some further reading. It sounds like the federal defender’s office will be representing him — this is an office of government lawyers that act […]


I am currently boring my husband by obsessing over a recent insider trading case brought against a partner at KPMG. Many of you probably have heard of KPMG, a large audit firm with a strong reputation. Scott London was a 29-year veteran of the company, and was a senior partner. Despite all this success, he […]