Category: Uncategorized

Guest Speaker Event – Everyone is Invited

Hill v. United States Crack, Congress, and the Supreme Court SMG Auditorium Monday, October 15, 2012 5:00 p.m.   The SMG Law Faculty and B.U. Pre-Law Advising invite you to hear from attorney Richard L. Spinogatti about a case he recently won before the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Spinogatti represented Corey Hill, who asked the […]

When is a business negligent for failing to prevent crime?

As future managers and business owners, one of the most important legal (and ethical) issues that you will face is when you are responsible legally or ethically to prevent harm to your clients or customers. In the law, we call this issue negligence. We will be learning about negligence this week in LA245, and while it […]


I just had to share this hilarious clip from the deposition of Lil Wayne. He is suing Quincy Jones III over a documentary film that Jones made about Lil Wayne making an album. Goes to show you, even rappers aren’t good witnesses.

More on Whistle-blowers

I have always said that despite the increasing numbers of legal protections for whistle-blowers, the decision as to whether to report illegal activities of your employer must be an ethical one. The price a whistle-blower pays is high if you look closely at historical examples. A NY Times article from this weekend emphasizes my point. […]

The ethics of whistle blowing.

I read this interesting blog post this morning about the ethics of whistle blowing. The author suggests that in reporting wrongdoing, motive matters. He writes of the UBS employee that helped the government uncover individuals hiding money abroad to avoid taxes, and received over $100 million in return through a qui tam case. The author […]

Privacy and the Royals.

Notwithstanding Prince Harry’s penchant for semi-public nudity, the British Royal family takes their privacy very seriously. You are all too young to remember when the French paparazzi chased Princess Diana’s car, leading to the crash that killed her. But after that the British became fairly intolerant of the media intruding on their Royals, regardless of […]

More on cheating

Here is another interesting article about why people cheat, and how students are cheating in increasing numbers. My experiences are in line with the discussion in the article about how smart students now cheat to thrive, rather than the students in the past that would cheat to survive. I am sure I haven’t caught most […]

Shoes! Another update.

I heard from many of my students yesterday, who had all noticed that French shoe maker Louboutin won the appeal of their trademark case. In case you aren’t shoe-obsessed like me, Louboutin shoes are well known for their red lacquered sole. When Yves Saint Lauren made and sold a shoe that had a similar sole, […]

Quick update on Garrett Bauer

My former students know a lot about Garrett Bauer, the trader that was sentenced to almost 10 years in federal prison for insider trading. I mentioned him briefly in my LA245 classes last week as well. A reporter is writing a blog about his case, and sent me the link. It is all very depressing […]

My worst nightmare.

If you read the local papers you may have already heard about the cheating scandal at Harvard. While you know I take any opportunity to make fun of Harvard (simply because my husband went there for his MBA), this story made my stomach hurt. According to the investigation, Harvard suspects that as many as 125 […]