Tagged: intellectual property

Some things never change.

When I was growing up, everyone knew some “guy” that was stealing cable TV. He had some weird system rigged up, stolen cable boxes, extra wires, whatever. When it rained it wouldn’t work, that sort of thing. Back then I didn’t pay a cable bill, so I didn’t really understand why someone would subject themselves […]

Joke’s on you, Red Sox.

I am a Yankees fan. Seemingly alone in enemy territory, I keep quiet. This is especially true in my own house, where I am surrounded by Sox fans. So I must admit I got a little giggle when I read this story about the Cubs fan that bought the domain name for the Red Sox’s […]


A classmate sent me this article from the Wall Street Journal about trademark litigation regarding Christian Louboutin’s red soled shoes. The case is now on appeal in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, who has to decide whether Louboutin may prevent other shoe companies from selling shoes with a red sole. In case you are […]

Internet Freedom

Yesterday many websites blacked out for the day in protest of legislation pending in Congress that is intended to fight copyright infringement on the web. Wikipedia is a vocal opponent of the law, SOPA, so I thought it would be appropriate to link to its page explaining the law. Basically the law would allow the […]