

5. H. Selin and N. E. Selin. 2020. Mercury Stories: Understanding Sustainability through a Volatile Element. Cambridge: MIT Press [available open access at the publisher] [also separate book website with additional materials] [Reviewed in Global Environmental Politics 22(1): 183-185] – Runner-Up for the 2022 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award given by the International Studies Association Environmental Studies Section

4. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2015. European Union and Environmental Governance. New York: Routledge. [publisher] [Reviewed in Political Studies Review 14(3): 481; Energy Research & Social Science 14:133-134; Review of Policy Research 33(2): 224-226]

3. H. Selin. 2010. Global Governance of Hazardous Chemicals: Challenges of Multilevel Management. Cambridge: MIT Press. [publisher] [Reviewed in Environmental Politics 21(3): 536-538; Review of European Community & International Environment Law 20(3): 325-326; International Journal of Environmental Studies 68(2): 253-255; Review of Policy Research 28(3) 309-310; Environment International 37(3): 654-655; Perspectives on Politics 9(1): 101-103; Environment 53(1): 42-43; Global Environmental Politics 11(1): 116-118; CHOICE 48(1): 123-124; Ecological Economics 69(12): 2645-2646] – Runner-Up for the 2011 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award given by the International Studies Association Environmental Studies Section

2. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. (eds.) 2009. Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press. [publisher] [Reviewed in Carbon & Climate Law Review 1(6): 89-91; Climate Policy 11(6): 1386-1388; Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92(4): 493-494; Electronic Green Journal 1(30)]

1. M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. (eds.) 2009. Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate. [publisher] [Reviewed in Journal of Transatlantic Studies 9(2): 175-176; Review of Policy Research 27(3): 338-340]

Journal Articles

29. F. Kinniburgh, H. Selin, N. E. Selin and M. Schreurs. 2023. When Private Governance Impedes Multilateralism: The Case of International Pesticide Governance. Regulation & Governance 17(2): 425-448 [First published online April 2022] [link]

28. H. Selin and N. E. Selin. 2023. The Human-Technical-Environmental Systems Framework for Sustainability Analysis. Sustainability Science 18(2): 791-808 [First published online July 2022] [link]

27. H. Selin and N. E. Selin. 2022. From Stockholm to Minamata and Beyond: Governing Mercury for a More Sustainable Future. One Earth 5(10): 1109-1125 [link]

26. H. Selin, Y. Zhang, R. Dunn, N. E. Selin and A. K. H. Lau. 2021. Mitigation of CO2 Emissions From International Shipping Through National Allocation. Environmental Research Letters 16: 045009 [link]

25. Z. Wang, R. Altenburger, T Backhaus, A. Covaci, M. L. Diamond, J. O Grimalt, R. Lohmann, A. Schäffer, M. Scheringer, H. Selin, A. Soehl and N. Suzuki. 2021. We Need a Global Science-Policy Body on Chemicals and Waste: Major Gaps in Current Efforts Limit Policy Responses. Science 371(6531): 774-776 [link]

24. C. Y. Chen, C. T. Driscoll, C. A. Eagles-Smith, C. S. Eckley, D. A. Gay, H. Hsu-Kim, S. E. Keane, J. L. Kirk, R. P. Mason, D. Obrist, H. Selin, N. E. Selin and M. Thompson. 2018. A Critical Time For Mercury Science To Inform Global Policy. Environmental Science & Technology 52(17): 9556-9561 [link]

23. H. Selin, S. E. Keane, S. Wang, N. E. Selin, K. Davis and D. Bally. 2018. Linking Science and Policy To Support the Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Ambio 47(2): 198-215 [link]

22. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2015. Broader, Deeper and Greener: European Union Environmental Politics, Policies, and Outcomes. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 40: 309-335 [pdf]

21. H. Selin. 2014. Global Environmental Law and Treaty-Making on Hazardous Substances: The Minamata Convention and Mercury Abatement. Global Environmental Politics 14(1): 1-19 [pdf]

20. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2013. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Forty Years in the Making. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 31(6): 971-987 [Co-editor and Co-author of Special Issue] [pdf]

19. H. Bulkeley, A. Jordan, R. Perkins and H. Selin. 2013. Governing Sustainability: Rio+20 and the Road Beyond. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 31(6): 958-970 [Co-editor and Co-author of Special Issue] [pdf]

18. H. Selin. 2012. Global Environmental Governance and Regional Centers. Global Environmental Politics 12(3): 18-37 [pdf]

17. K. Sippl and H. Selin. 2012. Global Policy For Local Livelihoods: Phasing Out Mercury From Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining. Environment 54(3): 18-29 [pdf]

16. A. Najam and H. Selin. 2011. Institutions for a Green Economy. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 451-457 [Co-editor and Co-author of Symposium Section] [pdf]

15. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2011. Climate Change Regionalism in North America. Review of Policy Research 28(3): 295-304 [pdf]

14. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2011. US Climate Change Politics and Policymaking. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2(1): 121-127 [pdf]

13. H. Selin and N.E. Selin. 2008. The Role of Indigenous Peoples in International Environmental Cooperation: Arctic Management of Toxic Substances. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 17(1): 72-83 [pdf]

12. H. Selin. 2007. Coalition Politics and Chemicals Management in a Regulatory Ambitious Europe. Global Environmental Politics 7(3): 63-93 [pdf]

11. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2007. Political Science and Prediction: What’s Next for U.S. Climate Change Policy?. Review of Policy Research 24(1): 1-27 [pdf]

10. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2006. Raising Global Standards: Hazardous Substances and E-waste Management in the European Union. Environment 48(10): 6-18 [Re-printed in: M. V. Russo (ed.). 2008. Environmental Management: Readings and Cases. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2nd edition; C. A. Bily (ed.). 2009. At Issue: What Is the Impact of E-Waste? Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press] [pdf]

9. N. E. Selin and H. Selin. 2006. Global Politics of Mercury Pollution: The Need for Multi-Scale Governance. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 15(3): 258-269 [pdf]

8. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2005. Canadian-U.S. Environmental Cooperation: Climate Change Networks and Regional Action. The American Review of Canadian Studies 35(2): 353-378 [pdf]

7. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2004. Baltic Sea Hazardous Substances Management: Results and Challenges. Ambio 33(3): 153-160 [also translated into Chinese] [pdf]

6. N. Eckley and H. Selin. 2004. All Talk, Little Action: Precaution and its Effects on European Chemicals Regulation. Journal of European Public Policy 11(1): 78-105 [pdf]

5. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2003. Mapping Institutional Linkages in European Air Pollution Politics. Global Environmental Politics 3(3): 14-46 [pdf]

4. B. L. Turner II, P. Matson, J. J. McCarthy, R. W. Corell, L. Christensen, N. Eckley, G. Hovelsrud-Broda, J. X. Kasperson, R. E. Kasperson, A. Luers, M. L. Martello, S. Mathiesen, R. Naylor, C. Polsky, A. Pulsipher, A. Schiller, H. Selin and N. Tyler. 2003. Illustrating the Coupled Human-Environment System for Vulnerability Analysis: Three Case Studies. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences 100(14): 8080-8085 [pdf]

3. H. Selin and N. Eckley. 2003. Science, Politics, and Persistent Organic Pollutants: Scientific Assessments and their Role in International Environmental Negotiations. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 3(1): 17-42 [pdf]

2. J. Krueger and H. Selin. 2002. Governance for Sound Chemicals Management: The Need for a More Comprehensive Global Strategy. Global Governance 8(3): 323-342 [pdf]

1. H. Selin and O. Hjelm. 1999. The Role of Environmental Science and Politics in Identifying Persistent Organic Pollutants for International Regulatory Actions. Environmental Reviews 7(2): 61-68 [pdf]

Book Chapters

30. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2025. Global Climate Change Governance: Where Next, After Paris?. In M. E. Kraft, B. G. Rabe, and N. J. Vig (eds.) Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century, 12th edition.Washington DC: Sage/CQ Press, pp 249-287 [Latest revised chapter from inclusion in also the 2022 11th edition, the 2019 10th edition, the 2016 9th edition, the 2013 8th edition, and the 2010 7th edition]

30. H. Selin. 2023. Advancing Global Environmental Politics Research and Systems Analysis. In P. Dauvergne and L. Shipton (eds.) Global Environmental Politics in a Turbulent Era. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 169-183 [pdf]

28. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2021. Geopolitics and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. In M. Mobjörk and E. Lövbrand (eds.) Anthropocene (In)securities: Reflection on Collective Survival 50 Years After the Stockholm Conference. Oxford: Oxford University Press/Stockholm: SIPRI Research Report 26, pp 18-33 [Link to free download]

27. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2021. Climate Change Politics and Policy in the United States: Forward, Reverse and Through the Looking Glass. In R. K. Wurzel, M. Skou Andersen and P. Tobin (eds.) Climate Governance Across the Globe: Pioneers, Leaders and Followers. New York: Routledge, pp 123-141

26. H. Selin. 2020. Global Politics and Policy of Hazardous Substances. In R. Axelrod and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Global Environmental Policy: Institutions, Law and Policy. Washington D.C.: CQ Press/SAGE, 5th edition, pp 305-331 [Latest revised chapter from inclusion in also the 2015 4th edition and the 2010 3rd edition]

25. H. Selin. 2017. Global Environmental Governance and Treaty-Making: The Arctic’s Fragmented Voice. In K. Keil and S. Knecht (eds.) Governing Arctic Change: Global Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 101-120

24. H. Selin. 2014. Global Politics and Management of Hazardous Wastes. In P. Harris (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Global Environment Politics. New York: Routledge, pp 427-438

23. H. Selin. 2013. Global Chemicals Politics and Policy. In R. Falkner (ed.) The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 107-123

22. H. Selin. 2013. Minervian Politics and International Chemicals Policy. In Y. Tiberghien (ed.) Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 193-212

21. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2012. U.S. Climate Change Politics: Federalism and Complexity. In S. Kamieniecki and M. E. Kraft (eds.) Oxford Handbook on U.S. Environmental Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 164-183

20. H. Selin. 2012. Global Multilevel Governance and the Management of Hazardous Chemicals. In P. Dauvergne (ed.) Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2nd edition, pp 210-221

19. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2012 Federalism, Multilevel Governance, and Climate Change Politics across the Atlantic. In P. F. Steinberg and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Comparative Environmental Politics. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 341-368

18. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2011. Institutional Linkages and European Air Pollution Politics. In R. Lidskog and G. Sundqvist (eds.) Governing the Air: The Dynamics of Science, Policy and Citizen Interaction. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 61-92

17. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2010. Multilevel Governance and Transatlantic Climate Change Politics. In B. G. Rabe (ed.) Greenhouse Governance: Addressing American Climate Change Policy. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp 336-352

16. S. D. VanDeveer and H. Selin. 2010. Re-engaging International Climate Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for the United States. In B. G. Rabe (ed.) Greenhouse Governance: Addressing American Climate Change Policy. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp 313-335

15. H. Selin. 2010. International Cooperation on Hazardous Substances and Wastes. In R. A. Denemark (ed.) International Studies Encyclopedia. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp 3982-4000

14. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. North American Climate Governance: Policy Making and Institutions in the Multilevel Greenhouse. In H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 305-325

13. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Climate Leadership in Northeast North America. In H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 111-136

12. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Changing Climates and Institution Building across the Continent. In H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 3-22

11. M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Transatlantic Environmental Relations: Explaining Discordant Integration. In M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 251-266

10. M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Conflict and Cooperation in Transatlantic Climate Politics: Different Stories at Different Levels. In M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 165-185

9. H. Selin. 2009. Transatlantic Politics of Chemicals Management. In M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Enlarging Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 57-74

8. M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Enlarging Transatlantic Environmental Relations: Implications for the Global Community. In M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin, and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 1-18

7. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2008. Politics of Trade and Environment in the European Union. In K. P. Gallagher (ed.) Handbook on Trade and Environment. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp 194-203

6. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2006. Canadian-U.S. Cooperation: Regional Climate Change Action in the Northeast. In P. Le Prestre and P. Stoett (eds.) Bilateral Ecopolitics: Continuity and Change in Canadian-American Environmental Relations. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 93-113

5. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2005. The Road to Rio: Early Efforts on Environment and Development. In A. Churie Kallhauge, G. Sjöstedt and E. Corell (eds.) Global Challenges: Furthering the Multilateral Process for Sustainable Development. London: Greenleaf Publishing, pp 58-73

4. J. J. McCarthy and M. L. Martello lead authors, H. Selin contributing author. 2005. Chapter 17: Climate Change in the Context of Multiple Stressors and Resilience. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 945-988

3. D. L. Downie, J. Krueger, and H. Selin. 2005. Global Policy for Hazardous Chemicals. In R. Axelrod, D. L. Downie, and N. Vig (eds.) Global Environmental Policy: Institutions, Law and Policy. Washington DC: CQ Press, 2nd edition, pp 125-145

2. H. Selin. 2003. Regional POPs Policy: The UNECE/CLRTAP POPs Agreement. In D. L. Downie and T. Fenge (eds.) Northern Lights against POPs: Combatting Toxic Threats in the Arctic. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, pp 111-132

1. K. Bäckstrand and H. Selin. 2000. Sweden – A Pioneer of Acidification Abatement. In A. Underdal and K. Hanf (eds.) International Environmental Agreements and Domestic Politics: The Case of Acid Rain. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 87-108

Reports, Reviews and Commentaries

54. H. Selin. 2023. The Effectiveness of Global Chemicals Treaties. Nature Sustainability, News & Views 6: 1289-1290 [pdf]

53. H. Selin. 2022. CO2 Emissions from International Shipping: How a Global National Allocation System Addresses the Problem. TR News, September – October 2022, pp. 28-30 [pdf]

52. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2021. How the First Global Environment Talks Contained the Shape of Things to Come. China Dialogue, November 2021 [Link]

51. H. Selin. 2019. Can the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Survive without the US? 4 Questions Answered. The Conversation, November 2019 [Link]

50. H. Selin and R. Cowing. 2018. Cargo Ships are Emitting Boatloads of Carbon, and Nobody Wants to Take the Blame. The Conversation, December 2018 [Link]

49. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2018. Driv frågan om flyget under COP24 [Push the airline issue at COP24]. Aktuell Hållbarhet, 3 December 2018 [Link]

48. H. Selin. 2017. Trump’s Exit of Paris Climate Accord Strengthens China and Europe. The Conversation, June 2017  [Link]

47. H. Selin. 2017. Trump Slams Breaks on Obama’s Climate Plan, But There’s Still a Long Road Ahead. The Conversation, March 2017 [Link]

46. H. Selin and A. Najam. 2016. What Chould the Rest of the World Do If Trump Pulls the US Out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change?. The Conversation, November 2016 [Link]

45. A. Najam and H. Selin. 2016. Global Climate Talks Move to Marrakesh: Here’s What They Need to Achieve. The Conversation, November 2016 [Link]

44. H. Selin. 2016. Climate Finance and Developing Countries: The Need for Regime Development. Global Economic Governance Initiative Working Paper. Boston University: Global Economic Governance Initiative, October 2016 [pdf]

43. H. Selin and A. Najam. 2015. Paris Agreement on Climate Change: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Conversation, December 2015 [Link]

42. H. Selin. 2015. The Biggest Sticking Point in the Paris Climate Talks: Money. The Conversation, November 2015 [Link]

41. H. Selin. 2015. The Risk of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Too Many Goals, Too Little Focus. The Conversation, September 2015 [Link]

40. H. Selin. 2015. Can the Paris Climate Talks Prevent a Planetary Strike-Out?. The Conversation, September 2015 [Link]

39. H. Selin. 2015. Your Brief to the Paris UN Climate Talks: How We Got Here and What to Watch For. The Conversation, August 2015 [Link]

38. H. Selin. 2015. Making Climate Change a Moral Issue: Why We Should Listen To Pope Francis. BU Today POV Opinion, July 2015 [Link]

37. H. Selin. 2014. Hazardous Wastes Regime. In Jean-Frederic Morin and Amandine Orsini (eds.) Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 91-93

36. S. D. VanDeveer and H. Selin. 2014. European Union Environmental Policy and 40-Something. The State of the Transatlantic World 2014. Washington DC: Transatlantic Academy, pp 84-87 [pdf]

35. H. Selin. 2013. The Minamata Convention and the Future of Mercury Abatement. Pardee Center Issue in Brief. Boston University: The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, October 2013 [pdf]

34. A. Najam and H. Selin. 2011. Institutional Challenges for a Green Economy. Global Compact International Yearbook 2011. United Nations, pp 44-47 [pdf]

33. H. Selin. 2011. Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. [Book review] Review of Policy Research 28(4): 387-388 [pdf]

32. H. Selin. 2011. Global Governance and Regional Centers: Multilevel Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes. Procedia: Behavioral and Social Sciences 14: 40-43 [pdf]

31. H. Selin and A. Najam. (Eds.) 2011. Beyond Rio +20: Governance for a Green Economy. Pardee Center Task Force Report. Boston University: The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, March 2011 [pdf]

30. H. Selin. 2011. Critical Dialogue. [Mutual book reviews and review responses] Perspectives on Politics 9(1): 101-105 [pdf]

29. A. Najam and H. Selin. 2010. A Global New Deal for Sustainable Development. New Straits Time, 19 May 2010

28. A. Najam and H. Selin. 2010. A New Deal for Development. The Express Tribune, 14 May 2010

27. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2009. Continental Climate Governance Challenges for North America. Issues in Governance Studies No. 30, December 2009, The Brookings Institution [pdf]

26. H. Selin. 2009. Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers. [Book review] Review of Policy Research 26(6): 884-886 [pdf]

25. H. Selin. 2009. USA :s Position Bestäms Inte i Bryssel [ U.S. Position Not Determined in Brussels ]. Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt, 16 November 2009

24. H. Selin. 2009. Managing Hazardous Chemicals: Longer-Range Challenges. The Pardee Papers No. 5. Boston University: The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, March 2009 [pdf]

23. H. Selin. 2009. President Obama’s Climate Change Challenge. Encyclopedia Britannica Blog, February 23, 2009

22. H. Selin. 2009. Better Environmental Treaties. Issues In Science and Technology 25(2): 9-10

21. H. Selin. 2008. Global Environmental Negotiations and US Interests. [Book review] Ecological Economics 67(3): 516-517 [pdf]

20. H. Selin. 2008. United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and World Summit on Sustainable Development. In M. Lück (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments. Wallingford: CAB International

19. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2008. Climate Change Policy Innovation and Emulation in Northeastern States. In J. Domanski (ed.) States and Climate Change: Leaders or Lab Rats? Princeton: The Policy Research Institute for the Region, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University [pdf]

18. H. Selin. 2008. Global Warming and Public Policy. Encyclopedia Britannica Online, March 26, 2008

17. H. Selin and N. E. Selin. 2007. States Must Push Feds to get Tough on Mercury Pollution. San Jose Mercury News, 19 July, 2007

16. H. Selin. 2007. EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. [Book review] Ecological Economics 61(1): 195-196 [pdf]

15. H. Selin. 2006. Theorizing and Teaching Global Environmental Politics. [Book review essay] Global Environmental Politics 6(4): 124-127 [pdf]

14. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2006. Climate Leadership in Northeast North America. In H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (Eds.) Climate Change Politics in North America: The State of Play. Occasional Paper. Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC

13. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. (eds.) 2006. Climate Change Politics in North America: The State of Play. Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC [pdf]

12. H. Selin and B-O Linnér 2005. The Quest for Global Sustainability: International Efforts on Linking Environment and Development. CID Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 5. Cambridge, MA: Science, Environment and Development Group, Center for International Development, Harvard University [pdf]

11. H. Selin. 2004. USA miljölobbar mot EU [United States’ environmental lobbying against the EU]. Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt, 19 April 2004 (reply from Swedish environment minister, Lena Sommestad, 21 April 2004)

10. H. Selin. 2004. Comment on Intercontinental Transport of Air Pollution: Will Emerging Science Lead to a New Hemispheric Pollution Treaty?. Environmental Science & Technology 38(6): 1912-1913 [pdf]

9. C. Polsky, D. Schröter, A. Patt, S. Gaffin, M. L. Martello, R. Neff, A. Pulsipher and H. Selin. 2003. Assessing Vulnerabilities to the Effects of Global Change: An Eight-Step Approach. Research and Assessment Systems for Sustainability Program Discussion Paper 2003-05. Cambridge, MA: Environment and Natural Resources Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

8. N. Eckley and H. Selin. 2003. The Arctic at Risk: Arctic Pollution 2002. [Report on Report] Environment 45(7): 37-40 [pdf]

7. H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2002. Hazardous Substances and the Helsinki and Barcelona Conventions: Origins, Results and Future Challenges. Report presented at the Policy Forum Management of Toxic Substances in the Marine Environment: Analysis of the Mediterranean and the Baltic, Javea, Spain, October, 2002

6. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2002. För tidigt döma ut Johannesburg” [Too early to count Johannesburg out]. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Debatt, 6 September 2002

5. B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2002. Miljöfrågan blev politik i Stockholm [The environment became politics in Stockholm]. Svenska Dagbladet, Under Strecket, 18 June 2002

4. N. Eckley and H. Selin. 2002. The Arctic Vulnerability Study and Environmental Pollutants: A Strategy for Future Research and Analysis. AMAP Report 2002:2. The Second AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic , Rovaniemi , Finland , October, 2002

3. H. Selin. 2000. Den stora kemikalieutmaningen [The great chemicals challenge]. Framtider 3: 16 -19

2. S. Karlsson and H. Selin. 1999. Selecting Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) for Global Regulatory Actions: Reflections on the Role of Socio-Economic Criteria. EPOS Working Paper No. 8. Environmental Policy and Society. The Tema Institute. Linköping University

1. H. Selin. 1997. Protecting International Commons: Brief Comments on Current Attempts at Establishing New International Institutions on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). In S. Karlsson (ed.) Managing Common Resources in Local and Global Systems: Applying Theory Across Scales. Research Report No. 9 from Environmental Policy and Society (EPOS). Linköping University