The third workshop for
Software Institute for Methodologies and Abstractions for Codes (SIMAC)
November 4-5, 2013 at Boston University
3 Cummington Mall, PRB (Physics Research Building) Room 595.
Sponsored by
- Center for Computation & Technology — LSU
- Center of Computational Science — BU
- Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering — BU
This third SIMAC workshop will focus on the design of Numerical Algorithms and Software Frameworks to accommodate the increasingly complex environment of multiscale physics and complex heterogeneous HPC architectures. Algorithmic examples include Multigrid (MG), Domain Decomposition (DD) solvers and Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR). Hardware examples include GPU and PHI heterogeneous architectures. The goal is to explore existing collaborative teams and frameworks that seek to respond to this disruptive technological landscape and suggest new or improved methods required to keep pace with the evolution of Extreme scale computing.
Free registration is now open. Initial travel/lodging suggestions and an initial agenda have been posted, and will be updated as new information is prepared.
Rich Brower (
Frank Loffle
Steven R. Brandt
SIMAC Orangizers:
- Steven R. Brandt (LSU)
- Richard Brower (BU)
- Anshu Dubey (LBL)
- Paul Hovland (ANL)
- Don Lamb (U. Chicago)
- Frank Loffler (LSU)
- Merle E. Giles (U. Illinois)
- Boyana Norris (ANL)
- Brian O’Shea (MSU)
- Claudio Rebbi (BU)
- Marc Snir (ANL)
- Rajeev Thakur (ANL)