Posts by: agutie

from 1L to another

August, already?!  Summer is wrapping up, my judicial externship ends this week, and I will soon make my way back to the East Coast.  This summer began in a whirlwind — finishing finals and writing competition, moving to Chicago, and starting a new job.  Just like that: 1L ride was over, a new eL ride […]


Dear admitted student, Congrats on having been accepted!  If you are new to my blog, my name is Alexandria, and I’m a 1L.  Because the admission process is a very intimate one, I figured I would give you some insight into how I made the decision to attend BU.  That being said, I know students […]

Of Public Interest

Each year, the Public Interest Project raises money to provide grants for students who spend their summer working in the public sector.  The fundraisers range from bake sales, to talent shows, to the highly-regarded auction, which took place last night.  Leading up to the auction, the Public Interest Project and the Public Interest Scholars hosted […]

Legal Rememory

“The future was a matter of keeping the past at bay.” –Sethe, Beloved, Toni Morrison Growing up, I always loved the month of February.  Though arguably the coldest winter month in the Midwest, I looked forward to it in elementary and high school because, being Black History Month, the curriculum in February fascinated me.  I […]

Constitutional Limits

“Where is that in the Constitution?” I’ve heard this question about 100 times already this semester.  Knee-deep in my Constitutional Law course, I have the distinct privilege (some say curse) of having Professor Maclin as a teacher.  Professor Maclin runs a tight ship, to say the least.  He is well-known at BU for his intense […]

BU Law – past, present & future

Today, I had the chance to sit down with a BU Law graduate and a prospective BU Law student.  Avni, a friend from Northwestern, graduated from BU Law in 2010 and works as an ADA in the Bronx.  She asked me to meet with her friend, Shannon, who had recently been admitted to BU Law […]

this is what a feminist, esq. looks like

Today, being the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I wanted to pay special homage to feminism and the reproductive freedom movement. I asked the Michigan Pre-Natal Coordinator, Carmen Gutierrez, what Roe means for women today.  Ms. Gutierrez said, “It goes beyond Roe…it’s not only the right to choose abortion or to have children, but to […]

parable of the tower

My boyfriend always tells me that perception is reality.  Having studied philosophy, he asked me to read Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” to understand what he meant.  In his book, The Republic, Plato describes a scenario in which prisoners, who are stuck in a cave, view shadowy images on the walls.  The cave is their […]

Band of Outliners

December was a very strange month, indeed.  Unstuck in time, the days were repetitive yet indistinguishable (really, it was impossible to tell a Tuesday from a Saturday!).  Classes finally ended.  Inputting information turned into processing information — intake into understanding.  Alas, the idea of outlining became a reality. Even though I outlined (to some extent) during […]

baby, it’s cold on-call

Before coming to law school, everyone is warned of the Socratic method as just one of the fundamental reasons law school is a drag.  I have, myself, wondered to what extent the maintenance of this method is a form of self-perpetuating hazing, or whether its tried &  trueness will, in fact, shine through in the end. […]