- Years at Boston University: 7 years. Fabiana writes:
I spent four years at BU as an undergrad, but have spent the last three post-graduation years always involved in the university in some capacity (involved with Core’s EnCore group, student theater groups, etc.).
- Current location: Boston, MA, USA.
- Company and Title: Employee at Sargent College, and at BUMC.
- Recent activities: Fabiana writes:
I am currently a graduate student at Boston College studying English literature, with a particular focus on literary translation. I have worked with BU and independent theater groups in Boston for the last five years. I am very active with the Core alumni group EnCore.
- Benefits of the Core: Fabiana writes:
The fields I explored in college, and which my Core experience greatly enriched (history, philosophy, psychology, literature, art) provided me with a variety of tools I could apply in multiple professions. In short, by teaching me how to write, to discuss, and to always look to discover more, the Core taught me how to think; it gave me the investment with the biggest return.
- Hobbies or interests that started at the Core and have continued to become life-long interests: Fabiana writes:
My Core experiences have had a particularly profound influence on my life in that they taught me to think of my personal and academic education holistically. When I realized that I did not want to pursue a career I had felt committed to for most of my adult life (clinical psychology), I was able to reorient myself and turn a lifelong passion (literature) into a concrete career path.
Fabiana adds: Whether you’re a potential Core student, a current one, or an alum who wants to reconnect with the Core, I’m always happy to discuss this great program.