Happy Halloween, scholars! While you’re chowing down on buckets of candy and impressing one another with your costumes, take a moment to reflect on a more sober commemoration: the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, and, more specifically, the nailing of Martin Luther’s 95 theses to the church door of Wittenberg. Here is a list of links to European library blogs (in English and German) with posts observing the occasion:
- Reformation 500, via the University of Glasgow Library
- 500th Anniversary of theReformation
- 500 Years of Reformation, via the British Library European Studies Blog
- 31 October 1517: The Birth of Luthers Reformation, via Trinity College Library, Cambridge
- Reformation Day, or is it?, via John Rylands Library Special Collections Blog
- Martin Luther: ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen An Open Letter on Translating (1530), via Taylor Institution Library
- Herausforderung Reformation Zum 31. Oktober 2017, via SLUBlog
- and lastly, Dresdens online exhibition of 95 manuscripts from the Reformation

Portrait of Martin Luther as an Augustinian Monk, by the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1546. (via Wikimedia Commons)
List created by Simon Beattie, and shared here from the EXLIBRIS mailing list.