Alumni Profiles: Benjamin Flaim

Benjamin in January 2013

(Core ’98, CAS ’00)

Years at Boston University: 4 years.

Current location: Boston, MA, USA.

Company and Title: Vice President at Goldman Sachs.

Recent Activity: Benjamin writes:

Two young kids and a rewarding job. Married to my BU girlfriend. What more could I ask for?

Benefits of the Core: Benjamin writes:

Core helps me look at the world in a different way. The values Core teaches stay with you and keep you on the right track to try to do the right things, to lead a good life. They also help me keep things in perspective so you never forget what’s truly important.

Benjamin at the Back Bay Ball, Spring 2000.

Hobbies or interests that started at the Core and have continued to become life-long interests: Benjamin writes:

I’ve always loved music, but the Core helped me analyze what I was listening to in a new way. I’m performing in Don Giovanni later this month, something I studied in the Core.

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