Spring Break, a week off, what to do?

The GSU is closing at 2:30 on a Friday, that can only mean one thing… either someone wearing a Chef Coat and tall white Chef Hat just walked across the seal in Marsh Chapel, or it’s Spring Break!

Ah Spring Break week, a  week off from work… NOT!  No, we at Dining Services don’t get the week off contrary to what many people think, no we try to be productive during the week, and that consists of PLANNING!   We plan for new menus, we plan for VCS, we plan for Freshman Fridays, we plan for Commencement, we plan our outfits, we plan like it’s nobody’s business!  And if our plan for planning during the week off works out to plan, then our plan was a successful plan and the plan for the rest of the semester should fall right into plan with our plans!

So as you leave campus for the week to go home and see family or to go off to some exotic location like South Padres Island Texas remember this… Drink plenty of water the following morning after a night out, turn over every 15 minutes when on the beach, and Mac “N” Cheese will be waiting for you at Warren when you return!



Have  a safe Break!

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