Please celebrate the 463 Boston University students who earned degrees in Economics at Commencement over the weekend. This year the program contained:
17 Ph.D. recipients
207 Master’s degree recipients (MA, MAPE, MAEP, MAGDE MA/MBA, BA/MA)
256 BA recipients (including BA/MA)
This represents a total of 463 degrees!
These numbers undercount the total for the year since they exclude students who graduated in January 2014 and chose not to appear at Commencement.
The number of graduate degree recipients (234) remains close to the number of BA students (256) both of which are down from the previous year, which was itself up 10% over 2012.
Last year (2013) there were 21 PhDs, 257 Master’s degree recipients, and 292 BA recipients.
Altogether 23 Ph.D. students obtained jobs this year. To see their placements visit the web site linked here.
Many MA students did well on the job market and in being accepted to Ph.D. programs. For a partial list see:
The department’s recently redesigned website now lists 38 regular professors, a number which is down two since 2012.
Congratulations to all!