
The Lady Terriers return to Maine for their second tournament of the season. The game was held in Bowdoin College from April 6-7. On the first day, the cheetahs went up against Wellesley College 7-1 and then defeated Bates College with a score of 9-5. The next day, the cheetahs were neck to neck by halftime with a score of 4-4. But the girls won with a score of 8-5! The last game against Bowdoin College was even more intense with a score of 4-4 by the end of the third quarter. Luckily the fierce cheetahs scored a goal and finished with a nail biter of 5-4. The team came back home with their heads held up high and still hold the title as the undefeated team for the North Atlantic Division.

Championships, here we come!

Here is the schedule for the championship game, as well as the scores for all the games in the season:

Austin Brashears Invitational

Don’t you miss hanging out with your old water polo teammates in university or beating your rivals in a “friendly” scrimmage? Then grab your favorite swimsuits, call your teammates up and jump into Boston University’s pool on April 27-28. BU’s Men’s and Women’s Water Polo are hosting the Austin Brashears Invitational, an alumni tournament for teams in the Boston area. Each team will play three games. Please RSVP by April 10th and reserve your spot with a check made payable to Boston University for $300. Help spread the word to other schools! Hope to see you then!

Austin Brashears was a mechanical engineer student at BU but he lost his life on Saturday May 12, 2012. He was studying abroad in New Zealand when a tragic car accident took his and two other students’ lives. Not only was Austin the captain of the Men’s Water Polo team, he was actively involved as a leader in the College of Engineering community. The team missed him dearly and will never forgot their warm-hearted, fierce, hard-working captain.

Invitations AB Tourney

We Wanna Go Back To Hawaii!

ALOHA! It's been a week since the team's trip to Oahu, Hawaii and we're not happy about being back in the cold. We had a blast swimming in the clear ocean and tanning (or burning) under the warm sun. But the team also worked hard to prepare for the upcoming tournament and championship game in April. We did a mixture of exercises, mixing both land and water workouts: hiking up Koko head (1048 steps!), scrimmaging at different pools and running relays on the beach. Thank you to Le Jardin Academy, Kamehameha School, Iolani School and Mililani High School for allowing us to scrimmage with them in their amazing outdoor pools. Since both our team and the opposing teams split into the more advanced group and the less advanced group, everyone had a lot of time in the water and learned much more and showed a vast improvement. The girls learned a lot from the trip, not only about water polo, but also about each other. The cheetahs are ready to come out strong for their next games!

Here's the link to our more detailed itinerary: http://www.bu.edu/fitrec/club/news.shtml#WomenWaterPolo

A big mahalo to the Cowan and Kheradpey families for providing the cheetahs with food, housing and transportation for the whole week!

Cheetahs Win Their First Tournament!

The women's water polo team just won their first tournament in Maine, hosted by Bates College! GO CHEETAHS!!! This tournament and the next tournament at the beginning of April will count towards the championship game. On Sat. March 2, the girls first went up against Bowdoin College, with 14-8, then went up against Yale University. Yale beat the girls last year in the New England Division and won first place, but the cheetahs fought strong and hard and won a score of 11-7. The last game of that day was against Bates College with 10-3. The next day, the girls went up against MIT and won with a score of 7-3.

The following weekend, the girls are going to travel to Hawaii for spring break! Big thanks in advance to the Cowan and Kheradpey family for their generosity in providing us with food, housing and transportation.

The girls have less than a month until their next tournament in Maine again, held at Bowdoin College. Even though most of the girls haven't learned water polo until the beginning of the school year, they have shown definite improvement: they communicated in the water, had spectacular defense and shots, and thought as a team. The cheetahs are extremely proud of one another. Keep it up!

St. Francis Tournament

The cheetahs just came back from their St. Francis Tournament. The first day we competed with Iona College who won 18-2. (Don't worry cheetahs, we'll do better next time!) The next day, we went up against Cornell University (11-10) and NYACK. NYACK didn't have enough teammates so a couple of our teammates played for their team.

Even though this was a "friendly" tournament and our real tournament doesn't start until March 2 held in Bates College, Maine, many of the players learned a lot from these games. We have 5 more practices before we head off to Maine. Get excited girls!