10/16 Newsletter

KSA Newsletter 10/16/12

Thank you for coming out to Oktoberfest! We hope you enjoyed playing games with the e-board and most of all pie-ing Jay and Praise!



– City Excursion: Take your Little out and explore Boston! You have until Oct. 22!
– Please send us pictures of your adventures!


– Halloween Party 10/26

– Get ready to show off your creative Halloween costumes at KSA’s Annual Halloween Party

– A facebook event will be created soon so keep your eyes open

– The location will be annouced closer to the actual day of the event

– Asian Film Festival 10/24

– “Young Asia: Conversation between Generations”
– Come out to BU Central anytime between 12:30-2pm for free food and live music!

– President and CEO of Incheon Airport: C.W. Lee 10/18

– He will be speaking at SMG’s Distinguished Speaker Series

– 5-6 PM, SMG Room 208

– There will be a post lecture reception from 6-7 at SMG Rm. 406

– Come out to hear what he has to say!

– LiNK Nomads 11 / 7

– The Nomads are college students who have dedicated their semester to travel and spread information about LiNK
– They will be discussion and showing ‘Shift’ a documentary
– 7 PM in CAS 211
– ‘Shift’ Trailer


– Culture Show 2/16

– Get excited for our biggest event of the year. Sign ups will be starting soon!


Alumni Newsletter 2012.1

If you have not received the email about the 1st buKSA alumni newsletter (sent out today 10/3) you can check it out here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8kOtLL1AjHFYXhBbVltb2RfQ2c

DHOUN: 2nd Task

Bigs: Your 2nd task is to take your little out to explore Boston
You have until Monday, October 15.


Please send us pictures! Post on the buKSA timeline or email to bostonu.ksa@gmail.com


Some ideas for the 2nd task:

Pics from last week's task (Make your little food or take him/her out to eat)

Daniel and Irene with their little Ami
Sharon at her big's/Jen Bora's apartment for dinner



10/2 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

We hope your week has been going well. Midterms are slowly creeping up on us (if they're not already here)! We hope studying isn't too stressful. Hang in there!


Upcoming Events:


BU Asian Film Week 2012 (October 22-26)

- “Young Asia: Conversation between Generations”

- Wednesday, Oct. 24 is dedicated to Korean music and film.

- Come out to BU Central between 12:30 - 2:00pm for live music and free food!


BU KSA's Oktoberfest: Oct. 13

- Join us for our Fall themed event

- We will play lots of games and paint pumpkins

BU KSA's Oktoberfest Facebook Event- Make sure you RSVP!

Halloween Party

- KSA's Annual Halloween Party is just around the corner

- Do you know what you're being for Halloween yet?


Culture Show : Feb 16

- We will be updating you on the theme and acts for the show

- Stay tuned to sign up for all the different acts

Spotlight: Eugene Kim COM '15


How are you and your little getting along?

"Pretty well, we're from the same area back home so it's pretty easy to connect with him. For our big/little meal, we went to Super 88 and his mind was blown, not gonna lie..."


What do you like to do in your free time?

"I like to work out... and I like to play guitar."


Everyone loved you at the KSA Culture Show last year during the Modern Singing act, are you planning on participating again?



If you haven't seen Eugene perform or sing yet, check out his youtube channel here.


Stay warm and happy studying! Hope to see you guys at Oktoberfest.


9/24 Newsletter

Upcoming Events:


DHOUN: Big / Little Hangout

We hope you are all excited about your big / little pairing. Stay tuned for upcoming goals/tasks.

The first task is : Bigs, cook for your little or take them out to eat. You have until Sept. 30.

Please take lots of pictures and be sure to send them to us so we can put it up on our facebook page!


Halloween Party

Stay tuned for more details about KSA's Annual Halloween Party. We're looking forward to seeing all the creative costumes!


Day Trip

Our retreat has been changed to a day trip. The date is tentative but we will make sure to update you! Our E-Board is working hard to plan a fun and exciting trip and we hope you'll be able to make it.


BU Asian Film Week 2012 (October 22-26)

“Young Asia: Conversation between Generations”

Wednesday, Oct. 24 is dedicated to Korean music and film. Come out to BU Central between 12:30 - 2:00pm for live music and free food!



Hope you have a good week and enjoy eating with your bigs and littles!


First E-Board Meeting w/ New Frosh Reps!

Today was our first e-board meeting with our new freshman reps. As a prank we decided to tell them to dress up business formal while the rest of us came in dressed in our sweats and lounge-wear. It was a productive meeting and we got a lot done, but at the end, we took some funny group pictures. Check them out:


all smiles 🙂


Straight face attempt #12312526


Funny picture!


Failed straight face attempt (we're too happy!)


Also Big/Little pairings have been announced, so BIGS please check your emails and contact your littles as soon as possible! We will be giving out bi-weekly themes so that you have a better sense of what you can do with your little. The first week's theme is to cook for them or to take them out for a meal. You have until Sunday, September 30th.


ALSO, each KSA e-board member has been assigned to three different bigs that they will be in charge of to make sure that the bigs are being good Bigs. So, if you're a big, watch out for an email from an e-board member!


Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Freshman Representatives for 2012-2013

First off, thank you everyone that attended the Freshman Rep elections and voted. The results are finally in and the two new freshman reps are: Alex Kim and Ryan Chu!!!



Alex Kim!!
Ryan Chu!! 


If you see them around, congratulate them! KSA e-board is excited about our newest additions and we can't wait to see what kind of great ideas these two have in store for us.


buKSA Featured on Bostinno

Bostinno recently featured our buKSA Spring 2012 eBoard video in an article titled "Berklee Alum’s ‘Gangnam Style’ Sparks Awkward Dartmouth & Boston University Parody Videos". Although Bostinno writes that we were awkward (which is true) at least they added that we were "a lot less awkward than Dartmouth's" - which is all we wanted to hear! A special congrats to everyone on the e-board and a special thank you to Cheryn Park who filmed and edited the entire video.


Quick news from our 9/10 newsletter in case you missed it:


Upcoming Events

  • Sept. 15 : Freshmen BBQ
  • Sept. 16 : DHOUN Speed
  • Sept. 19: Freshmen Rep Elections
  • Oct. 5 – 6: KSA Retreat



KSA Retreat Prices

The earlier you sign-up, the less you play!

Please contact our treasurer, Daniel Han, to give him your payment.

  • Sept. 16 - $35
  • Sept. 23 - $40
  • Sept. 30 - $45
  • Oct. 4 - $50

$upercapitalist Movie Screening


A young maverick New York hedge fund trader who is sent to Hong Kong to orchestrate a mega-deal that swiftly escalates beyond his control.

$upercapitalist Movie Screening

When: Tuesday, September 18 at 7:30pm

Where: AMC Boston Common 19

Buy tickets here: http://www.facebook.com/events/101903543299128/?notif_t=plan_user_invited

Q&A following the film will feature Derek Ting (producer, writer, actor) and Joyce Yung (producer)!


9/17 KSA Newsletter

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to our DHOUN: Speed Dating event. We hope you had fun meeting potential bigs and littles and getting to know a lot of other people in KSA! 

The big/little pairings will be announced by this weekend.


If you were not able to come out last night but still wish to be a big or a little, please email Peter Rhim, our Representative Director at prhim@bu.edu.

Please include in your email:

  • whether you're signing up as a big or as a little
  • your first and last name
  • school and year
  • email and phone number

Updates on KSA events

Freshmen Elections 9/19 at 7PM CAS 224

Please come out and show your support for our Freshmen Representative applicants this Wednesday! Come and voice your opinion on who should represent the freshmen in KSA by voting, anyone can vote regardless of grade.



Our retreat scheduled for Oct 5-6 has sadly been cancelled, but we are planning a day trip sometime in October and will keep you posted.


KSA T-Shirt

Our KSA T-shirts are still on sale for only $15. If you haven't purchased one already but wish to, contact any of our e-board members.


Current Events

Psy's Gangnam Style is getting more and more famous every day.


Have you seen him with Britney Spears on the Ellen Show?


How about on the Today Show?


Spotlight: Mary Yi (SED '15) and Brian Nam (ENG '15)

Last year's Freshmen Representatives


What was your biggest fear while preparing for your Freshmen Rep Elections?

Mary: "I was so scared about the 2 minute questioning period... I had NO idea what they were going to ask me.. . it ended up being okay... I think I had the least scary questions out of everyone... haha"

Brian: "My biggest fear was not knowing exactly how the elections worked. I knew i was going to be around people I knew so I wasn't sure how formal of a presentation I should prepare."

What was your favorite KSA event last year? Why?

Mary: "I loved the Culture Show, I think it's a lot of people's favorite event. It's not really just ONE event, it's like 3 months of nonstop practices, dinners, meeting new people etc. It was a lot of fun and everyone grew closer together"

Brian: "My favorite KSA event was hands down Culture Show. Not only was it fun, but it showed how organized and prepared KSA was. It was one of those things where you have fun doing work."

If you could give one piece of advice to this year's freshmen, what would it be?

Mary: "I would tell them to be open to new experiences and to get to know everyone. ALSO, not to bum around in their rooms... I wasted so much time just doing nothing, I wish I was out exploring Boston."

Brian: "One piece of advice: try everything at least once. It's your freshmen year, go have fun! BUT make sure you study equally as much."



Hope you have a great week and we hope to see you on Wednesday at the Freshmen Representative Elections!