Traveling in Your Twenties

Without traveling, my life would be pointless. Who wants to sit in the same old job doing the same old things day in and day out? Conveniently, or not so conveniently depending on how you look at it, the mundane can become exciting when you know your next big adventure is just around the corner. The reward for working hard is getting to spend the money you make on something you love… For me, that’s exploring.

I have been all through Europe and North America on my own dime, and I’m only 24 with an intense shopping addiction. Heck, I even manage to pay rent and bills just like the rest of you. The most common response I hear from people in their 20s when I announce a big trip is, “I don’t know how you can always afford that! I know I never could.” The truth of the matter is that their statement simply isn’t true. The only thing holding you back from traveling is you.

Often times, I start saving a year out for one of my trips, but then you have something to look forward to. Other times, you’ve got some extra money and make a last minute decision to explore somewhere a little more affordable or closer to home. As long as you’re doing something and not making excuses about why you “supposedly” can’t do it, you’re doing it right. As a matter of fact, seeing the world often helps you grow a bigger appreciation for the little things you have right here at home.

No one is saying that saving is easy, but do you really need to order that pizza? Or go to that bar and buy a bunch of drinks? By no means am I saying not to reward yourself every once in a while. My number one suggestion is to prioritize what is most important to you. Once you evaluate that, you’ll be able to better understand what you can do without to add the wonder of traveling into your life. I know it has made mine all the better, so ask yourself… What’s really holding you back?