PDU Credits

Can Students Claim PDUs for the Project Management
Classes They Complete in a GAC Accredited Degree Program?

Students with PMI credentials who complete individual
modules within an academic program related to project management are able to
claim PDUs (Professional Development Units) to be used toward their Continuing
Certification Requirements under “Category B: Continuing Education.” The PDU
rule in this case is “One (1) hour of instruction related to project management
equals one (1) PDU. Therefore, if the student completed a “Fundamentals of
Project Management” class, that met three hours a week for 12 weeks, the
student would be able to claim 36 PDUs for that class. It is important to know
that when only a portion of a course relates to project management that the
student must calculate PDUs by the percentage of the overall curriculum focused
on the topic. Also, students should report each course separately. Entire
degree programs will not be recognized for PDU credits, only individual

For more information on PDUs and how to claim them, please review the CCR Section of the PMI.Org website.