Category: Health

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Tips for proper backpack selection and usage

National Backpack Awareness Day is Wednesday, September 21st. Karen Jacobs, clinical professor at Boston University’s Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and an occupational therapist, offers tips for proper backpack selection and usage in order to help reduce back, neck and shoulder pain. Contact Jacobs at 617-353-7516;; Twitter: KarenJacobsOT

Arsenic in apple juice?

Joan Salge Blake, clinical associate professor of nutrition and a registered dietician, weighs in on the controversy surrounding how “The Dr. Oz Show” yesterday aired a segment about unsafe levels of arsenic in many brands of apple juice. The FDA, however, has called the show’s testing methods “erroneous” and “misleading” since they only looked at total levels of […]

10 years later: Children in a post-9/11 world

Our “10 Years Later” series continues with David Barlow, professor of psychology and psychiatry, and the founder and former director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD), who discusses the impact on children who have grown up in an anxious post-9/11 world and how parents and caregivers can help.    Contact Barlow at 617-353-9610; The series concludes tomorrow with […]

10 years later: How are we coping?

Today, “10 Years Later” turns to David Barlow, professor of psychology and psychiatry, and the founder and former director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD), to examine the ongoing effects of September 11th on the American psyche.  Are we more anxious as a society?  And, how can people cope with the lasting memories […]

Experts available for comment on 10th anniversary of September 11th

With the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon approaching, the following Boston University experts are available to offer comment, insight and analysis on various angles: Andrew Bacevich, professor of international relations and history, and a retired Army colonel, can offer comment on the wars in […]

New school nutrition guidelines to be set for Boston Public Schools

Massachusetts is preparing to issue new school nutrition guidelines. It is being reported that the state’s Public Health Council will set some of the toughest standards in the country. Joan Salge Blake, a clinical associate professor of nutrition at Boston University’s Sargent College, offers the following comment: “With an alarming percentage of the state’s youth […]

Avoid BBQ blunders this holiday weekend

Fourth of July is right around the corner and that means the summer grilling and picnic season is in full swing. While having fun is certainly the top priority at all the upcoming barbecues and outdoor parties, nothing can ruin a good time like an outbreak of food poisoning. In the videos below, Boston University […]

The Food Pyramid Tumbles,The Healthy MyPlate Debuts

By:  BU’s Joan Salge Blake (@joansalgeblake, While the Food Pyramid had close to a 20 year run, it’s time has come. As a registered dietitian and nutrition professor, I can honestly say that the Pyramid left me scratching my head as it did little to help the public translate healthy eating onto their plate. […]

Markets in Medicare: will the good deal last?

Keith M. Marzilli Ericson is an assistant professor of Markets, Public Policy & Law at Boston University’s School of Management. He is also a fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. The following article is based on his paper “Market Design when Firms Interact with Inertial Consumers: Evidence from Medicare Part […]