Tagged: Newt Gingrich

Campaign 2012: Tom Fiedler on the Iowa straw poll

This week, “Campaign 2012” looks at the Iowa straw poll, which will be held on Saturday, August 13. Tom Fiedler, Dean of Boston University’s College of Communication, talks about his predictions and analysis for the straw poll. Contact Tom at 617-353-3488, tfiedler@bu.edu; Twitter: @BUCOMDEAN

Campaign 2012: Additional thoughts on GOP presidential hopefuls

In the third installment of our series “Campaign 2012,” our experts weigh in on some of the remaining GOP hopefuls for the presidency: Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rudi Guiliani, and Sarah Palin. The experts are Tom Whalen, Cornelius Hurley, and Tobe Berkovitz.   Read earlier posts in the series: GOP candidates, Jon […]