Tagged: Professor voices

LinkedIn IPO

Professor N. Venkat Venkatraman, chairman of the Information Systems Department at Boston University’s School of Management offers the following comment on the recent LinkedIn IPO: “I think it is the beginning of the new tech bubble focused on social (professional) networks. We are in the early stages of social commerce and the monetization logics are […]

IMF succession fight

Dominique Strauss-Kahn has resigned as the head of the International Monetary Fund as he faces sexual assault charges. Boston University School of Law professor Cornelius Hurley is the director of BU’s Center for Finance, Law & Policy (formerly the Morin Center for Banking and Financial Law) and former counsel to the Fed Board of Governors. […]

Trump will not run in 2012

Donald Trump has announced that he will not run for president in 2012. The following Boston University professors are available to offer expert commentary, analysis and insight: Tom Whalen is an associate professor of Social Sciences. He is an expert on modern American politics and the American presidency. He is a regular contributor to PoliticoArena. […]

“A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine work”

Boston University researchers at the College of Engineering have discovered a way to target bacterial “persisters” so they could be killed by antibiotics. Biomedical engineering professor James Collins, a William F. Warren Distinguished Professor and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, reports in Nature magazine that he and his colleagues have discovered how adding a […]

Demjanjuk convicted of Nazi camp deaths

John Demjanjuk is free pending appeal after being sentenced to five years in prison. Demjanjuk, a retired American autoworker, was convicted for the role he played in sending 28,000 Jews to their death during the Holocaust. Boston University professor Steven Katz, a renowned Holocaust scholar, is the director of the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic […]

Skip the sugar, keep the taste

Foods and drinks with high amounts of added sugar can wreak havoc on your diet by adding around 350 extra calories a day.  Joan Salge Blake, Clinical Associate Professor of Nutrition at Boston University’s Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, offers sensible alternatives to sugar-laden soft drinks and sweets.

Oprah Winfrey Network dismisses head of network

OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network, has dismissed Christina Norman, the head of the network. The move comes as OWN continues to show disappointing ratings. The following Boston University professors from the College of Communication are available to offer expert commentary and analysis: Tobe Berkovitz is an associate professor of advertising. He is an expert in […]

President Obama’s approval rating jumps

The latest New York Times/CBS poll shows a significant jump in President Obama’s approval rating since the killing of Osama bin Laden. Boston University professor Graham Wilson is the chair of the political science department and the author of “Only in America?: The Politics of the United States in Comparative Perspective.” He offers the following […]

Arthur Hulnick on al Qaeda

Boston University international relations professor Arthur Hulnick is a 35-year veteran of the intelligence profession, mostly with the CIA. He is the author of “Keeping Us Safe: Secret Intelligence” and “Fixing the Spy Machine: Preparing American Intelligence for the 21st Century.” Hulnick offers the following comment on what happens next to al Qaeda: “Osama’s lieutenants […]

Osama Bin Laden killed by U.S. forces

The following Boston University professors are available to offer expert commentary, analysis, and insight on the death of Osama Bin Laden: Arthur Hulnick, a 35-year veteran of the intelligence profession, mostly with the CIA Contact 617-353-8978, ahulnick@bu.edu   Joseph Wippl, a 30-year CIA veteran Contact 617-353-8992, jwippl@bu.edu   August Richard Norton, International relations professor; Middle […]