Category: Uncategorized

The Feds Get Tough

The headline of this article really sums it up: After a Decade, SAC Capital Blinks. There was a time where insider trading was barely investigated, and if someone was caught the punishment was a mere slap on the wrist. The story of the lengthy and patient investigation of SAC Capital illustrates the new priorities of […]

The Hustle

You are all too young to remember this song. Executives at Countrywide, a mortgage company, played this song and danced around the conference room while announcing the HSSL mortgage program, which stands for the High Speed Swim Lane program. Get it: HSSL = Hustle. Anyway, the dancing bankers were celebrating the program that would keep […]

Interns or Free Labor?

If you ask most of my students, an internship in their chosen field is the Holy Grail. Students all over the countries spend countless hours networking, polishing resumes, and doing Skype interviews, all in an effort to get hired as an intern. Very little thought is given to salaries, because students just want to “get […]

GPS Devices and the Warrant Requirement

As discussed in class and in previous posts here and here, technology presents new challenges to our constitutional rights all the time. The use of GPS tracking devices by law enforcement is a perfect example. It used to be that the police had to do long and boring stakeouts in order to get information on […]

Do college athletes own their own images?

A group of former college athletes have sued the NCAA for a percentage of the money that the NCAA and colleges make from TV networks and videogame makers. The plaintiffs say the NCAA conspires with its business partners to fix the price of an athlete’s image at zero. A federal judge is currently deciding whether to […]

Shark Tank

I am a fairly devoted watcher of Shark Tank. I am convinced that one day I will have a “million dollar idea,” so I am drawn to the show. I also really like the mix of judges. Mark Cuban, one of the judges on the show and the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, is in […]

Blind Spots

We spend a lot of time on Blind Spots in my ethics classes. I find it amazing to learn how often the situation trumps our values, and how our minds literally play tricks on us. While awareness of the Blind Spots are a first step , we do need strategies to avoid falling prey to […]

Like this Post.

Are you someone that freely “Likes” on Facebook? I must admit I do. It is a great shorthand for communicating that you have seen your friend or family member’s message, and you support it. But is your “Like” speech under the First Amendment? Are you really expressing a viewpoint, or just randomly clicking? In practical […]

My worlds collide…

I spent the summer picking up teeny colorful rubber bands from my floor. Yes, my daughter was wrapped up in the Rainbow Loom craze. If you know a girl between the ages of about 6 and 10 years old, you know what I am talking about. You put little rubber bands on this plastic peg […]

Pay for Performance

The Wall Street Journal featured an article this morning about the increasing use of “pay for performance” for executive compensation. In other words, the company has to reach certain financial targets in order for the executive to receive restricted stock. The article focuses on whether the targets are real, but the more interesting question for […]