Crib notes for Hamlet

You may be asked to summarize the plot of Shakespeare’s Hamlet during your study of the play in CC201 this fall. If so, you couldn’t do worse than to give as precise and cogent an answer as the student author does here:

Hamlet was a young man very nervous. He was always dressed in black because his uncle had killed his father by shooting him in his ear. He could not go to the theatre because his father was dead so he had the actors come to his house and play in the front parlor and he learned them to say the words because he thought he knew best how to say them. And then he thought he’d kill the king but he didn’t. Hamlet liked Ophelia. He thought she was a very nice girl but he didn’t marry her because she was going to be a nunnery. Hamlet went to England but he did not like it very much so he came home. Then he jumped into Ophelia’s grave and fought a duel with her brother. Then he died.

– From English as She Is Taught: Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools, 1887 (Source: the “Futility Closet” blog by Greg Ross)

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