For the week of September 9, 2012
- CC101: Professor Gillman: “Genesis: God in Search of Man” 9/11 (Tsai Auditorium)
- CC105: Professor Marsher: “Motions on the Earth” 9/11 (CAS 522)
- CC105: Professor Marsher: “Motions in the Sky” 9/13 (CAS 522)
- CC201: Professor Nelson: Machiavelli’s The Prince 9/11 (CAS 522)
- CC203: Professor Barfield: “The Desert and the Town: Comparative Sociology” 9/13 (CAS 522)
- The Core Writing Center is now open in CAS 129. Students can sign up for appointments in CAS 119.
- CC101 students: Make sure to bring your BU ID cards to lecture so that you can swipe-in for attendance credit.
- The Core Performance Series has been organized to offer Core students some highlights of Boston’s great music, theatre and dance scene. To kick off the series, Core has purchased a limited number of tickets for the opening night of the Boston Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, September 22nd. This all-Beethoven concert is sure to be special, so put on your suits and dresses and take advantage of this opportunity. Tickets are first come-first-serve and can be acquired by signing up in the Core office, CAS 119. A $10 dollar deposit is required which will be returned when you pick up your ticket at the BSO on the night of the concert. No refunds for unclaimed tickets.
- Students in CC105 are invited to an orientation session with Core mentors Gayle and Nate, this Wednesday, September 12th from 6:30-8:30 PM. Pizza and refreshments will be served. This orientation is an opportunity to hear about their experiences last year and understand the challenges you might face this semester. You will also get some tips on the study habits that will make you a successful student. Kenmore Classroom Building (KCB), Room 201, 565 Commonwealth Ave. Please RSVP using the form on the CC105 Blackboard site, under the Course Information tab.
- On Thursday, September 27th there will be an all-Core Integrating Forum on the question, “How We Know What We Know?” Tsai Auditorium, 7 PM.
- Professor Hamill is looking for actors! If you have the acting bug and you would like to perform in a scene for her CC101 lecture on Hecuba in November, please email for more information.
- If you have ideas or suggestions for Core activities, email Professor Hamill at