- Years at Boston University: from 2004-2008 (double major in Linguistics and Classics, minor in French).
- Current location: Strasbourg, France.
- Company and Title: Freeman Financial Translation.
- Recent activities: Doug writes:
I work at a small, client-focused language services firm specialising in corporate communications. My main duties there involve translation, document review and project management.
- Benefits of the Core: Doug writes:
Being genuinely curious and widely inquisitive is very important for translators. Without the Core I might not be doing what I do today.
- Hobbies or interests that started at the Core and have continued to become life-long interests:
My Core experience has undeniably followed and supported me ever since I finished college. Not a day goes by that I do not draw on the cultural, historical, scientific, and critical thinking skills that I learned thanks to the Core.