Today on the Core blog, we’d like to shine a spotlight on a sophomore currently enrolled in the Core Curriculum. Devin Harvin is a contributor to the Marsh Chapel Vocation Blog as well as a summer advising assistant. The Marsh Chapel blog is run by our friends over at the the ministry department at Marsh Chapel, and Devin has written quite a few posts that we think the Core community would enjoy.
We know it’s hard to believe that there are other blogs out there on the BU network that aren’t the Core blog, but hold your surprise long enough to read some of Devin’s most recent posts. We think they’re worth a read.
- “The Hardest Battles” takes a look at Thanksgiving, family, and the concept of suffering.
- “What do you really want?” wonders what we really want from life.
- “we must go on.” presents some post-election thoughts.
View more of Devin Harvin’s work the Marsh Vocation blog.