Hellooooo Corelings! This week we look at memes, some sweet maps of Hell, and the Core Journal, again, because every work in there is worth your time (the author is definitely not saying that because she is a frequent contributor).
- Fun fact: Did you know the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Tao Te Ching, and works of Shakespeare like Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing have been translated into Klingon, a fictional language from Star Trek? Here is another addition to the list: a translation of William Blake’s poem “The Sick Rose” by Core scholar Ann Marie Dyer for the fifteenth issue of the Core Journal.
- Memes! About Jane Austen novels! Who would have thought? Are they clever or cringeworthy? You be the judge.
- Noah’s ark is real and it’s located in Williamstown, Kentucky. No word on the exactitude of the dimensions, which have been converted from cubits to feet, but it certainly is gigantic. And while the group behind the ark replica believes in Young Earth creationism, the author of this blog post will withhold her opinions so as to foster good faith with the owners of the ark. You know, for when the seas rise as a result of climate change.
- Threats of assassination! Kidnapping! Imprisonment! Mayorship! Philippe Desan details these misadventures AND MORE in his recently published book on Michel de Montaigne’s life, entitled simply Montaigne: A Life. Unfortunately, this description is a lot more exciting than Desan’s work, complains Robert Minto in the Los Angeles Review of Books–it is, apparently, tedious and borderline unreadable.
- Infernal cartography,the new craze that’s sweeping the nation–that is, if you’re living during the Renaissance. Think of it as extremely involved fan art of Dante’sInferno that included careful mathematical calculations that Galileo himself felt compelled to confirm.

Antonio Manetti’s c. 1529 map of Hell. Via Cornell University Library.
That’s all for today. Until next week!