Posts by: cdossett

Postcards to the Core: from New York, July 2016

We got mail! This time it manifests in the form of a postcard from our very own Professor Kyna Hamill, who writes to us from New York. Here’s what she has to say: July 26, 2016 Hi Core! I thought this is what our students would look like after going through Core books for four […]

Postcards from the Core: from France, April 2016

We are delighted to hear from Core alum Ryne Hager, who sent us a lovely (albeit brief) postcard from Sisteron in southeastern France. Here, he takes a page out of Rene Magritte’s book. Ceci n’est pa une post card. * Core loves postcards. Whether you’re at home or abroad now, we’d love to get one […]

Postcards to the Core: from Florence, July 2014

We were delighted to hear back from Professor Gabrielle Sims this week in the form of a postcard to the Core office. She writes to us from her beloved Italy and wishes us well. Take a look at what she has to say: 10 July 2014 Dear whomever is in the office in July… To […]

Postcards to the Core: from California, June 2014

We got mail! Today’s postcard comes to us from Core alum and office staffer Winona Hudak,who writes to us from Dante’s Paradise. Or something like that. Read what she has to say: Core Gang! I just wanted to send you all a little gift from paradise. I hope everyone is doing well–Zak, lengthy discussions with […]

Postcards to the Core: from London, April 2013

We are thrilled to hear from Core alumna Megan Ilnitzki, who writes to Professor Eckel with news from London. It sounds like she is having a great time over on the British Isles. See for yourself: Dear Professor Eckel, Just dropping you a quick hello from London! I am loving it here! I’ve been to […]

Postcards to the Core: from Australia, March 2013

We are excited to report that we have received news from Core alum and current Core House RA Nick Pantages. He writes all the way from Sydney, Australia, where he sounds like he is having a marvelous time. Here’s what he has to say: Hello Core! I hope all you professors and Zak are doing […]