Category: Friday Fun

Adam and Dog

The Core is delighted to share with students this Oscar-nominated short animated film by Minkyu Lee, named Adam and Dog. It is a compelling take on the creation story of The Book of Genesis (studied in CC101) from the point of view of a playful dog, which comes into contact with the first man in […]

Fish Worship at 100 BSR opening

Fish Worship, a BU/faculty blues band, was invited to play at the “sidewalk fair” accompanying the ribbon-cutting for the new Student Services Center at 100 Bay State Road. Pictured, Prof. Wayne Snyder, Core alum Edmund Jorgensen, Prof. James Jackson, Prof. Jay Samons, and Prof. Brian Jorgensen. Photo by office assistant Elizabeth Kerian.

Genesis in the Facebook era

… going carbon-based for the life-forms seems a tad obvious, no? — A comment left on God’s blog post, when He invited feedback on His world-in-progress, and updated his status to read: “Pretty pleased with what I’ve come up with in just six days. Going to take tomorrow off.” (From a humor piece in The […]