Category: Great Books

Tao in the Core

We had a brief Taoist chat in CAS 119 this morning. Where else but the Core office? A summer student had stopped by, asking for directions to the ISSO office. We directed him to his destination, and he thanked us, but as he turned to leave he noticed the framed calligraphy painting on the wall. […]

June’s last batch of free books

Before June evolves into July, take a look at the most up-to-date list of our books for free give-away. We invite you — students, alumni, and friends of the Core — to peruse the list of books below. If you would like any of them, they are yours for the asking! All you have to […]

+200 books, free to a good home

We’re continuing with the next round of what has become a Core summer tradition: a book give-away. We invite you — student, alumni, and friends of the Core — to peruse the list of books below. If you would like any of them, they are yours for the asking! All you have to do is email […]

Two dozen books up for grabs

Time again for a Core summer tradition: a book give-away. We invite you — student, alumni, and friends of the Core — to peruse the list of books below. If you would like any of them, they are yours for the asking! All you have to do is email the Core office, letting us know […]

Why you should read Dante

Dante’sDivine Comedy is one of CC 102’s most memorable reads towards the end of the semester. It follows a similar epic poetry format seen inThe OdysseyorThe Aeneid, but with a twist. The famous Italian poet creates his own world through his 14,000 line epic separated into three books. He brings in characters we might recognize […]

Roman leadership for business today

Imagine Julius Caesar running a modern day business class. Despite the ridiculous punishments imposed on students who might not have used the right font on their essays, we have to believe: he would probably come up with some GREAT leadership initiatives. He ruled a mighty state! So it’s not crazy to think that students nowadays […]

What Core’s reading these days

According to Joseph Addison: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. We agree! With the abundance of minds that come and go about the Core office, we from time to timecollect a list of what current students are reading. Seldom are we disappointed by the variety of experiences. On a recent […]

What’s great about Goethe?

That Goethe is being read as part of CC202 speaks to his profound impact on literature. A writer whose works mimicked his life (or perhaps the opposite), Goethe felt a longing, a hiraeth perhaps, for something truehe wanted experience for experiences sake. Yet, can it be recounted when Goethe was last mentioned outside of the […]

from In Defense of Literacy

Snug within the book-bricked walls of a University, it may not seem that literacy is under threat. However, there is a great tradition of humanisticcommentators taking on the role of reminder to bid us keep in mind that literacy in its broadest conception is not just about the ability to decipher meaning out of written […]

Dante’s 750th Birthday Year

To current Core students, Dantes Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso marks theculmination of first year Core. Yet, toItalians, Dantes work of literature is referenced through academics, politicians and media. Dante is marked with a reverence by Italy for his ability to create a national language in the country. John Kleiner marks Italys celebration of the poets […]