Category: Great Books

100+ more free books!

When we posted a list of give-away books last week, you guys claimed more than 100 of them. Time for a new batch! We invite you — student, alumni, and friends of the Core — to peruse the list of books below. If you would like any of them, they are yours for the asking! […]

100+ books, free to those that want ’em!

Core people read books, contend with books, collect books, re-read books, and are basically book people. If you’re reading this — as a student, alumnus, staff member, or friend of the Core — youvery likely are a book person, too. To that end, we invite you to peruse the list of books below. If you […]

“The Meaning of Human Existence”

  Biologist Edward O. Wilson has spent his life studying evolutionary biology, writing books, and winning Pulitzer prizes, among other things. He is still going strong at 85 years old, and recently published “The Meaning of Human Existence,” a book intended to explain and convince the general public of the scientific theory of evolution. Drawing […]

Joseph Luzzi on Dante, and why some books stay and others go

Students just entering the first-year Humanities haven’t yet encountered the Divine Comedy of Dante in the Core classroom… but for sure, they won’t forget it. Many Core alumni report that their exploration of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso in seminar with their Core classmates was a formative part of their undergraduate experience. Accordingly, we keep our […]