Category: Great Ideas

Why Take the Core? Part III

In these few weeks before the freshmen begin registering for their Fall 2011 courses on April 17th, several Core faculty and alumni will be sharing their answers to the question, Why take the Core? Why Take the Core? Part III: The Skills You’ll Develop Hannah Franke Core ’12, CAS ‘14 I cannot say enough good […]

Peter Hawkins on Birk’s Dante

Prof. Kyna Hamill writes… On Wednesday, March 7, the Core welcomed Prof. Peter Hawkins of Yale Divinity School for a talk about Sandow Birk’s modern illustrations (2004) of Dante’s Commedia. Hawkins’ lecture was the last of a four-part series on “Insight and Inspiration,” in which speakers explored instances where themes from the Core texts can […]

Alumni response to Brooks in NYTimes

A guest post from Core alumna Erin McDonagh, CAS ’10): New York Times columnist David Brooks recently discussed the results, 250 years later, of the split between the French Enlightenment and the English one. The French “emphasized individualism and reason,” while the British thinkers focused on social sentiments. As our modern selves learn to rely […]

TONIGHT at the Castle: Hawkins on Birk’s Dante

This evening, Professor Peter Hawkins of Yale University will speak on “America’s Underworld: Sandow Birk’s Divine Comedy.” Birk is a painter who illustrated Dante’s Divine Comedy by depicting decadent urban spaces in LA, NY, and San Francisco. 5:30 PM at The Castle, 225 Bay State Road. Refreshments will follow.

CC106: The monkeys are at it again

Do you see them? Those monkeys are banging away at their typewriters, trying to type out the complete works of Shakespeare. Every time there’s a problem involving randomness, the monkeys get called into action. But these are not your average monkeys. No, these are gedanken monkeys. They can madly type 24 hours a day, seven […]

The Growing Class of Perennially Unemployed

Andy Kroll, in doing an investigative report on the growing list of unemployed and underemployed Americans, takes the case study of Rick Rembold to give a face to the economic struggle of aging middle-class Americans (via TomDispatch): “Wouldn’t that be better than no job at all?” I ask. Rembold gnaws on the question. “I can’t […]