Category: Uncategorized

Daily Photo: Paradise Lost illustration

A Core joke for Thursday

Professor: “Have you finished reading the Nicomachean Ethics yet?” Student: “No, I’m waiting for them to turn it into a movie.” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NB: When your humble blog author read this joke aloud in the Core office, the workstudy student on duty said: “That’s so typical.”

Notes from the June EnCore Book Club

The EnCore Book Club met on June 6th to discuss the last book on its Ancient Greco-Roman cycle, Augustus, by John Williams. Thoughtfully munching on Chinese food while sipping beer and wine, attendees first pondered about the structure of the book. Augustus is a novel made up of the fictional letters and journal entries of […]

The Lego Inferno

With final papers done and turned in, exams finished, and the semester turning over into the start of the summer break, CC102 students might be feeling a bit like they’ve emerged from the final level of the Inferno — “Procrastinators”?, skipping Purgatory altogether to end up directly in the Paradiso-like environs of summer break. So […]

Today: Goldstein on Food

“WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT FOOD” A lecture on food & writing, by Darra Goldstein, Editor of Gastronomica & Professor of Russian, Williams College 24 April 2012, 7 pm, Barristers’ Hall, in the BU School of Law Free and Open to the Public Sponsored by the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship

The Importance of Being Earnest

Get ready to laugh this Thursday and Saturday, because the Calliope Project will perform The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. The characters will take you on a farcical journey of witty dialogue, as they try to escape the social obligations of Victorian London. All this, for only $5 (It’s cheaper than a bagel […]

Introducing: The Second Shift

CC 204 students will be happy to see a new addition to this year’s Core Curriculum in the form of a new text. The Second Shift, a short treatise on the evolution of women in the workforce and its anthropological significance in modern society. Author Arlie Hochschild discusses how even though women have steadily integrated into the workforce, they […]

Poem for the ending of the year

“Baccalaureate” by Archibald MacLeish: A YEAR or two, and grey Euripides, And Horace and a Lydia or so, And Euclid and the brush of Angelo, Darwin on man, Vergilius on bees, The nose and Dialogues of Socrates, Don Quixote, Hudibras and Trinculo, How worlds are spawned and where the dead gods go,– All shall be […]

CFA School of Music presents: World Music Concert

Winter blues and finals got you down? Come to a special world music performance this Saturday and be transported to another land! The event will feature Balinese Shadow Plays, along with the BU West African Music and Dance Ensemble, the BU Greek Music Ensemble. This Saturday, December 10, at 8 p.m., in the concert hall […]

Calliope Project’s Core Book Raffle

Are you a first-year student planning to take CC102 in the spring? Do you want to get all of your books for just $2? If you answered yes, you should know about The Calliope Project’s Core Book raffle! We will be selling $2 tickets this week outside of Core lectures, and in the Core office […]