Calling all Job-Seekers

Hey there everybody,

It’s true, getting a job during a recession is a tricky business. The Labor Department recently released figures showing there is one job opening for every 5.4 unemployed men and women. So, it could be worse…you could be that .4 guy.

Still, do not despair!

We’re fortunate enough to be at a university that supports us through unfortunate economic circumstances! We invite you to check out the career fair tomorrow, March 18th, from 1-4:30 in the George Sherman Union.

More than 70 potential employers will be there! So come in business attire, with a strong handshake (eye contact included), and resume in hand!

Good luck! Here are some Stats to keep you interested.

Terrier Love,


Soure: The Wall Street Journal

Soure: The Wall Street Journal

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