Shout to our Readers!

Hey my faithful Terriers,

The summer clock is ticking towards its end and the excitement of a new semester is starting to set in. I won’t lie… I’m nervous. I depart for Spain in just about three weeks, leaving behind my comfortable BU setting and taking on a whole new city, country and life.

Bye, summer. We love you.

Bye, summer. We love you.

What am I saying- I’m PUMPED!

This blog I am dedicating to the BU students, old and new, for open conversation. I want to see comments from upperclassmen saying what they are excited about, tips for freshmen and what they have loved about BU during their time here. Freshmen, ask us questions, express your excitement and let us know what you look to get out of your time here.


I’m looking at you, Terriers. Speak up. Comment. Get to know one another. Love BU and your community.

Oh… and let me know what you want to see when I’m in Spain. You know my flipcam will be at the ready…

Keep being you, BU.



Julia posted on August 16, 2010 at 10:48 pm

Will you be in Madrid? 😀 Go get some chocolate con churros and marvel at the sheer amount of stores selling jamon. What can I say – I love food!

Shelagh posted on August 16, 2010 at 11:08 pm

GO to Hockey AND BASKETBALL GAMES while I am away, Terriers! Madrid is not gonna know what hit ’em when Kedzie and I arrive.

Kedzie posted on August 17, 2010 at 11:42 am

Haha yeah! I’m doing an internship at a magazine in Madrid and I’ll be documenting with my flipcam! 🙂

Nikki posted on August 17, 2010 at 5:22 pm

This blog has the potential to being a great site for BU students. So why not get other BU students to write blog post? (At least once the semester starts) The more involved students are with the material posted, the more likely they are to comment, tweet, etc. Either way, keep it up and have a great time in España!

Teagan posted on August 17, 2010 at 5:27 pm

I actually have quite a few (English speaking) friends in Madrid, if you’re looking to meet people/go out/find all those hidden spots that guide books don’t know about.

Activities Info posted on August 17, 2010 at 7:18 pm

Freshmen: take advantage of all the awesome events that BU has to offer, but don’t let yourself get trapped in the Comm Ave bubble. Explore the city outside of campus. Also: never turn down free stuff. Take initiative to get involved. Network. And visit us anytime on the 2nd floor of the GSU.

<3 the Mavens

hayley g posted on August 17, 2010 at 8:33 pm

hey! i’ll be a freshman in the fall, and hah, kedzie, you know my roommate emma and i already! needless to say we’re siked, and i was looking at the madrid study abroad program, so can’t wait to hear about it once you’re back!

it's Annie yo posted on August 19, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I’m insanely stoked for everything about BU. I think I’m most excited for all the amazing opportunities we have, my classes, and meeting new awesome people. cuz if you go to BU…you’re already kind of awesome. Good luck in Madrid!

Katrina posted on August 25, 2010 at 1:59 pm

one word: Barcelona

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