Ciao, Boston.

Hola, Terriers!

Well, it’s finally time. With only a few days until my flight, I have to put my blogging on hold and give you a mini-farewell. The next time you hear from me, I’ll be fully settled into life in España.


Because of technical difficulties, videoblogging may not be as frequent as I had planned, but the moment I find a functioning MacLab I will do my best to give you all a glimpse into what it is I’m up to. Also look forward to some photo-posts.

Until then, have a wonderful semester and take care of this amazing city. Mucho amor, mis compañeros, y como siempre, “keep being you, BU.”


One Comment

Jamie Strom posted on September 8, 2010 at 12:15 am

Enjoy the weather, beware of the bulls!

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