Finally! (Por fin!)

Heya Terriers,

Miss me? I mean, I miss you. Sorry it took me so long to get in touch. My computer is grasping at the threads of life and I’ve been so busy (a combination that doesn’t promote frequent blogging, I assure you…).

Spain is incredible. I can’t even begin to explain. Classes have been going strong for the past few weeks and those of us in the Internship Program are hard at work. The entire program just took its first group excursion to Córdoba and I’ll be sure to blog about that soon– or at least try to.


Estais celosos? Er, I mean, jealous?

My host family is wicked nice and my accomodations, though tiny, are comfortable. I’m still getting used to the whole dinner at 930pm thing but let me tell you, siesta is the most brilliant “cultural” concept a country could have. Who doesn’t like a midday recharge?


Legit maybe 2 more feet at the end of my bed. Cozy.

Since vidblogging is going to be, mm… impossible right now, I think I’m going to try and do serious photo blogs of some of the different stuff I’ve been doing, including:

  • Visiting the MADRID ZOO
  • Attending a BULL FIGHT
  • Spending a weekend in AMSTERDAM
  • And a whole lot more because life in Spain never slows down…

Sound good? Keep it classy in Boston, everyone, and I’ll be chatting with you soon. Let me know if there is anything specific you want me to blog (like my Halloween trip to BARCELONA). And as always, keep being you, BU. ‘taluego!


ps. Dean Elmore will be here in Madrid this week. Expect greatness.

One Comment

Callie posted on October 8, 2010 at 1:51 pm

i am happy amsterdam was written in oranje.

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