An Amsterdam Good Time

Hey there, Terriers

Oh please, that's shorts weather.

Oh please, that's shorts weather.

Studying for midterms? Oops. Didn’t mean to remind you. I’d rather you read the blog anyways…

By now I figure Boston is getting cold- I wouldn’t know, I’m guilty of being spoiled by relentless Spanish sun. I know I complain that it’s 50 when I wake up, but by the afternoon I’m sweating bullets, though my señora assures me it’s freezing outside. These people have clearly never experienced a New England winter.

But enough about Spain- here’s a little insight into my first European adventure outside of my host country… Where did I go? HOLLAND OF COURSE.

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For anyone who knows me personally, and even for many who don’t, my love for anything Dutch is something that doesn’t go unnoticed. (Let’s not get me started on the World Cup and the resentment I feel living in the country who ruined my dreams).

Bad memories. Thanks, Boston Herald.

Bad memories. Thanks, Boston Herald.

Anyways… Literally with tears in my eyes, I landed in my motherland at 10:03am on September 3rd. We hit the Van Gogh Museum, the Heineken Brewery for the “Heineken Experience” (an amazing tour, drinks included), and of course, my favorite: the Ajax soccer stadium.


For those who have never been, Amsterdam is an amazing city and it’s easy to survive there considering almost everyone speaks English (Okay, I’m guilty for not speaking Dutch… yet!).

There are incredible statues, buildings that look like palaces, and if there’s one thing worth noting, it’s the beautiful canal system that serpentines through the city’s heart. I’d go back without question. If you go, be the ultimate tourist and take a photo at the Iamsterdam statue at museumplein.

I want to write about Amsterdam for hours, but I know long blog posts defeat the purpose. If you want to know anything else, please comment and I’d love to answer your questions. After all, I bleed oranje.

Keep being you ,BU, and I’ll work on some new blogs now so I can post more frequently.


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