Brooms Up

Buenas tardes, Terriers!12944_171296069239_502064239_2770563_637096_n

So just because I’m across the pond doesn’t mean I don’t keep regularly updated on life back in Beantown, so today’s tidbit is something that you guys can look for on campus (and man am I jealous…). I’m talking about BU Quidditch, people, quaffle and all.

For those of you unaware, BU has an epic quidditch team. For a little information about how it’s played, I suggest you check out the article “Not Varsity Sports” published in BU’s alumni magazine, Bostonia. Last year’s team, which included me (yeah, I’m a chaser) finished 3rd at the annual world cup hosting more than 20-some teams, some from as far as Texas and Canada.

3rd place. Coming for 1st, Middlebury. Look out.

3rd place. Coming for 1st, Middlebury. Look out.

Anyways, I’m not here to tell you the specifics of what quidditch is and what it’s not, because that’s something you can do on your own. I am, however, here to tell you about the season’s kickoff.


This weekend, BU Quidditch stepped on the pitch to face off against the newly formed MIT squad and the well-seasoned team from Tufts. With a few members missing abroad, BUQ was excited and nervous to see how the new members would handle their first competition… And with much excitement I am happy to say that BU defeated both MIT (110 10 ) and Tufts (050, 5030, 5020 ) in impressive fashion.

After wiping MIT off the map, BU took on Tufts, a team known for their solid tackling who managed to squeeze out a win in Sunday’s first game of a best-of-three battle. But BUQ is well-known for a reason, turning the match around and taking the following two rounds in low-scoring, hard hitting drama.

We hit hard too.

We hit hard too.

This year’s world cup will be in NYC on November 13 and 14. Expect another blog from me or Julia about it as the date draws nearer. Until then, check out the team’s Twitter, Facebook page and keep an eye out for a snitch around campus.

Keep being you, BU, and get over to the BU beach to watch some quidditch practice!


One Comment

it's Annie yo posted on October 25, 2010 at 5:36 pm

obviously this is the best sport in existence.

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