Did he see it coming?

Hey there, Terriers!

Lot’s to talk about these days. This morning’s headline for you…

Psychic octopus dies: did he see it coming?

For those of you who lived under a rock during the world cup, there was an octopus by the name of Paul living in a German aquarium who accurately predicted the results of every single one of Germany’s matches, including their crazy upset against Serbia and the team’s exiting loss to Spain…

Germany Octopus Oracle World Cup

How did he do it? Caretakers at the Sea Life Center lowered two boxes into Paul’s tank, each marked with one of the competing teams’ flags and a mussel inside. On every occasion, Paul selected the mussel of the team who would then win the match. Psychic? Lucky? Sushi? Regardless, to the disgust of Dutch fans worldwide, Paul “predicted” Spain to win… and they did… Spain vowed to stop eating pulpo (octopus) for months.

SO. Today, Twitter has been clogged with Spanish tweets lamenting the death of the miraculous, oracle octopus. Simultaneously, a muffled cheer could be heard reverberating across the web- perhaps from the Netherlands?

Really? 1000s of tweets about this guy. He really was cool... in theory.

Really? 1000s of tweets about this guy. He really was cool... in theory.

Me? I’m heading out to the nearest Tapería to get my share of pulpo as a mini celebration. Normally, I’d feel bad that something like this happened, but today I just feel… hungry. My only regret is that Paul couldn’t have been part of my paella.

So, I wonder, if Paul had been given the chance to pick between a box with a smiley face and a box with crossbones this morning, which would  he have picked? … We’ll never know.

Keep being you, BU!


One Comment

Bobbi posted on October 26, 2010 at 8:44 pm

Love it!

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