Bingo? What a Drag.

Heya, Terriers!

Sorry about the lack of chitchat lately- I got swamped early this week with studying and assignments. But yes, I’m back (and more than ready for a relaxing holiday weekend). What will you be doing?

174838_189738454381267_7832953_nIf you’re staying on campus, BU Central wants to provide you with some Saturday night entertainment: DRAG BINGO. That’s right, everyone. Thought Bingo was lame? It’s not. It’s a drag! Oh come on, laugh.. I just had a test on 500,000 years of Ancient Egyptian history so forgive me if my wit isn’t up to par.

ANYWAYS. This Saturday at 9pm, BU Central will host drag bingo featuring Princess Herbal Essence and Bootz Morales. The event is FREE with a BU ID and has a ton of prizes including:

Giftcards, Snooki’s book & a bumpit, The Social Network and the GRAND PRIZE: 2 tickets to Lady Gaga’s concert.

    So come on, drag yourself over. If dressing up isn’t your thing, you don’t have to! Drag attire is optional. For more info, check out the Facebook Event.  I, however, have big plans on catching up on sleep. It’s a four day weekend for me and I’ll be making the most of it.

    Until next time, keep being you BU, and keep an eye on the blog for more updates including next weekend’s BATTLE OF THE BANDS.


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