A New Sport on Nickerson

Happy Thursday, Terriers!

180798_182970738410663_100000932145630_384588_5898074_nI know you’re all ready to head to BU Central this Saturday night for the Battle of the Bands, but I’ve got something else for you to fill your afternoon with: The first BU-hosted Quidditch Tournament!

As a part of the Alumni Weekend, BU Quidditch has invited Tufts and Emerson to Nickerson Field for a small round robin style tournament that is sure to be magic. It’s the Terrier’s first time hosting an event, so head out to our stadium field and support the players as they chase, beat and seek their way to victory on Saturday from 2pm to 4pm.

Not familiar with the sport? Think it’s weird? Didn’t know we had a team? Don’t worry… you’re not alone! But this weekend’s matches are between three of the best teams in the country based on World Cup performances so it will be a high-intensity event for anyone who wants their first look at the game. That’s right: there is an entire LEAGUE of quidditch in the US and around the world.

The event will is partially funded by your undergraduate student fee but attendance is FREE. It will also feature commentary from sketch comedy group, Slow Kids at Play. Make sure you check out the team’s Facebook and Twitter pages too.


I expect to see you there, Terriers. Until then, keep being you, BU, and keep an eye out for stray bludgers…


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