Battling Hunger at BU

Hey again, Terriers,

Do I have news for you. It’s big. It’s awesome. And you better read this blog:

Lots of food. Omnom.

Lots of food. Omnom.

The Newman’s Own Foundation announced that BU’s Student Food Rescue (run through the CSC) is one of nine nonprofit finalists competing to win $25,000 in the second annual Newman’s Own Foundation Campus Community Service Challenge!

Our Student Food Rescue is up against one nonprofit from each of the other eight universities in America East and aims to win the top prize. In all, the Challenge will be awarding $80,000 to the nominated organizations, but of course we’d love BU to be recognized as #1.

“The Newman’s Own Foundation Challenge underscores the commitment and enthusiasm of so many young people to make ours a better world,” said Bob Forrester, president of Newman’s Own Foundation. “The caliber of the student group and nonprofit partnerships we have recieved this year is quite extraordinary.”

BU students make a difference.

BU students make a difference.

According to the event’s press release, the winners will be presented throughout the America East Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championship held at the University of Hartford from March 3-6, 2011. So keep your fingers crossed, Terriers, and maybe get inspired to start helping out! Check out this video for a little more info on what the Student Food Rescue really is…

It’s stories like these that should make you proud to be a member of Boston University (not that you shouldn’t ALWAYS be proud). Get involved. Make a difference. We attend a very large school, but we are all a part of the same community, and you should do your part to make it that much better.

Keep being you, BU, and keep changing the world.


(A special thank you to Martin Morales, BU Alum, and Newman’s Own Media Contact, Sarah Kingsley, for the story + information)

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